Lady Rainicorn

I currently have my universal translator set to 'snarky comments referencing the stupidity of reddit users'.


Maybe he can photoshop the credits with better casting decisions.

Hope you didn't put too much on him, he's already lined up for Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

No way is that her real accent, she's from Sheffield; she'll have had it beaten into her at acting school.

I'm half-Scottish, currently living in Scotland and even I spent the entire hour trying to work out if that accent was Scottish or Irish, so I say we give them a break and all agree that it wasn't half as bad as Simmons' American-TV-English accent.

And don't forget the Eureka! Museum, home to 'possibly the biggest outdoor sandpit in the North of England' according to Wikipedia. Man, I adored that place as a kid.

There wasn't even a gap of twenty seconds between me reading '5ive' and instinctively going to YouTube to get up Keep On Movin' and I can't even say I'm ashamed about it.

Bucolic English countryside my arse, the thing's right next to a dual carriageway and full of screaming children. Never was the same after they moved it from next to the other dual carriageway. You know, the one with the B&Q. Ah, those were the days. I recall spending a lovely summer's day in my youth lost in a corn

'…the contestants were competing for $250,000 and a cookbook deal' What? I'm pretty sure the winner of The Great British Bake Off wins a bouquet of flowers. And, of course, the longest time in the company of Sue Perkins, which is surely worth far more than $250,000.

Anyone else watching this first episode of Count Arthur Strong right now? Anyone else wandered off to comment on here because it's kind of crap?

Hilariously, I've got a feeling my problem is with the RAM, since the build does turn on for about half a second before giving up. My current plan is to drink a cup of tea, reread the latest issue of Hawkeye and start unplugging and replugging cables until I reach a point where trying turning it off and on again is a

I spent the weekend building a computer and the entire time the only thing running through my head was Moss saying 'Memory is RAM' in The Dinner Party. Which, when I think about it, may be why I fucked it up so badly the damn thing won't even turn on. It's back to staring morosely at cabling for me!

As someone who could probably recite half of The Work Outing from memory, that bugged me too.

IIRC, there was no backlash whatsoever. The Daily Mail must have had some real stories to cover that week and nobody else would have cared.

There are people who revere the first Cars? I always thought it was pretty universally regarded as the worst Pixar film until the sequel came out, when it got bumped up to 'Well, it's not quite as bad as Cars 2.'

Last Valentine's Day three of my also eternally single friends invited themselves over to my place to earnestly watch the Justin Bieber concert movie, hushing me every time I tried to snark off about anything. Good times.

This movie comes out on Valentine's Day in the UK, which means I will finally get to answer the age-old question 'Are you sad enough to go see a children's movie alone on Valentine's Day?' with a resounding yes.

This trailer's been up for almost an entire day now and nobody has dubbed Gob quotes over that clip of Batman? For shame, internet, for shame.

Pah, try being in the UK, the second half of season six is only just airing now, and in a completely random order. Given how long we were waiting for this set of episodes, I expect we'll be getting the finale at some point in late 2015.