Lady Rainicorn

The A.V. Club
Are we really still doing this?

"I'm so angry about the shows I like being cancelled that I'm going to watch the remaining shows I like in a way that will increase their chances of cancellation"

In related news, a Community renewal is apparently 'practically a done deal'; world shrugs.

My entire exposure to Whitney was that strange period last year when NBC was insisting it was airing it with Community and the same advert that always run for it when I'm watching reruns of Daria so, uh, yay?

Up All Night and Guys with Kids are gone; things are looking good for Community, and it's highly depressing that I couldn't care less.

Don't celebrate too soon, Whitney and 1600 Penn have apparently been cancelled. You guys like those shows, right?

Definitely after renewal, I remember everyone dismissing the rumours flying around that he'd been fired when the renewal notice came out.

It's strange going through May without every notification edging me ever closer to some inevitable stress induced stroke.

Wow, remember this time last year when this site was having a collective meltdown over Parks and Rec and Community's renewal chances?

Aye, all that Peep Show coverage is really putting a strain on the servers.

Oh, it's utterly, utterly dreadful. By all rights it should have sunk into the mists of time without a trace but, sadly, the fact that Busted sang the themetune means that every member of my generation in Britain will never be able to forget. SPRING BREAK'S COME AROUND AND THERE'S NO HEROES TO BE FOUND THERE'S

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus Oh, Grills. We hardly knew ye. *sob*

Oh, what a mother of an anticlimax. A double-length episode of filler to crown a queen everyone had pegged to win weeks ago. We really need to track down whoever leaked Raja's win and 'thank' them for making Ru and the gang inflict this reunion show nonsense on us every year. Still, I may complain, but it's been a

From the looks of the Thor: The Dark World trailer, he'll be too busy playing Loki.

Actually, IIRC, he's not even in the suit in the scene above.

I live in Northern England, my town still doesn't have a Froyo place.

They actually did make it - there are screencaps on reddit of descriptions of each of the sex scenes and a few screenshots - but I'm fairly certain they never released it due to, y'know, nobody having a fucking clue what Community is.

I love how often this topic comes up round here.

See what you're leaving us with, you bastards?

To quote some wise sage of the internet, "Glee doesn't have fans, it has hostages".