Bramlet Abercrombie

Yet, the wedding episode has like 2-3 of the Top 10 O'Brien-Bashir bromance scenes of the series.

I know the scenes aren't everyone's favorites, but I love when The Sisko communes with the Prophets. For once, the soap opera dream sequence camera filter fits the intended tone. And I enjoy how the writers seem to choose the Prophet avatars based not on who is with Sisko at the moment, but instead who is most on his

I gotta say, the bar fight scene is one of my favs. I thought it was really well choreographed. And I feel like it would have been on the 'good scene' level, but the whole Kira narrating the build up while she & Rom watch from the shadows just puts it over the top.

@avclub-618fd0370047b25592c8a7db0ff8a9c0:disqus "Shields! SHIELDS!!" *USS Excelsior gets slammed with shockwave*

@avclub-8a14b82d2920257eab416dd8615d5a4b:disqus "I'd pay real money to get him to shut up."

Like Rob Schneider's line in Demolition Man, "We are police officers, we're not trained to handle this kind of violence."

In particular, I love how Shimmerman's voice cracks when he says 'root beer.'

Everyone who likes In The Cards seems to agree that Jake's 'Willie Mays is a Time Travelling Menace' speech is gold pressed latinum. But the very specific part that kills me every time:

Disagree. As much as any other main cast character, Garak has seen firsthand the capabilities & ruthlessness of the Dominion. Both espionage and military offensive. Additionally, Garak's entire life experience has revolved around knowing & utilizing ruthlessness.

I like to imagine that there are hobby societies on Ferenginar devoted to acquisition of discs of notable Ferengi.

So, since this week's discussion may not be a vigorous as other weeks, I thought I would toss this playful exercise into the mix that came to me while reading LarpTrek.com


D'oh! Just made this joke & didn't see you had made it days ago!

Eventually they will create Emergency Legal Holograms. "Please state the nature of the Legal Predicament."

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus I would expected you to do with:
The A.V. Club
Earth! Hitler! 1938!

Not directly related to today's eps, but I saw this on the reddit frontpage & immediately thought of "The Chase" http://www.dailygalaxy.com/…

My comment in the above sub-thread might be a better fit down here, but I ditto everything @avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus talks about here.


These have always been favorites of mine. Whatever we can do to encourage a return of these and/or Benny Russel, just let us know.
