Bramlet Abercrombie

Anyone else find it quite jarring to see Don wearing not one but two non-plain white shirts in this episode?

I recently rewatched The Avengers and bald glasses SHEILD/HYDRA guy was on the bridge of helicarrier throughout the movie. So there definitely seems to be at least a sense of throw in a bunch of easter eggs and reuse actors…then when another movie gets made, go back and see what can be used to make connections. I read

I think it could've been done over several episodes (ala BSG). With Duakt making big courtroom outbursts about the whole thing being a charade and a farce!

I think it's interesting that here we have one of the few Trek eps that could be effectively performed on stage. And even if you're not a fan of this ep, if you claim that you wouldn't want to see these actors (minus the Defiant scenes) perform this in a theater, I shall label you a liar.

Is there a way I can up-vote your insights in this post, but down-vote the route you had to take to get said insights?

@disqus_rsVPCXI3ND:disqus Laddie…say that again to me face.

Bleh. I just spent an hour online today arguing with my anti-vaccination sister.

One of the things that I liked about Enterprise was that they seemed to suggest that the genetic improvement taboo was primarily a human thing. It was specifically stated that Dr. Phlox's people routinely improved the DNA of the whole population. It's also something that I could see being no big deal with Vulcans.

@avclub-b3fe4f5a8793b5499e143cdf1253caff:disqus "Oh him? He's just having a 1/6th-life crisis."

True, Bashir was all weird about being 30 (and here I turn 31 on Saturday, sigh), but in that same ep isn't he up for an award with a bunch of other human docs (presumably still active in medicine if they're up for an award) who are mentioned to be in their 120s? So I would imagine that turning 120 would be our modern

I like how you tried to pretend it isn't a great episode, but ended up giving a bunch of reasons to remind us why it's one of the best.

Red leaf tea please.

I loved his Klingon accordion.

Joffrey, opening scene, S1 E10.

Basically I want to see the alternate Weyoun version of the recording in "Civil Defense".

Oh nice! I made the same Sisko/Abraham comparison above & hadn't even seen yours yet!


YES!!! I forgot those two were back-to-back. What makes those eps of DS9 so great (and hey, many others have said this before me) they could be TNG or VOY eps. Except on VOY everything would be retconned in the last 5 min. And on TNG it might have a mixed good/bad ending, but all of our main cast would be okay and

All of the antagonists in "Let He Who is Without Sin…" were B-list Federation actors till Wolf 359. #neverforget