Dr Girlfriend


slow clap

Seriously, I cannot believe so many AV Clubbers missed this boner joke.

If there's one word that comes to mind when you think of Don Draper, it's "fingerbang".

Um, the correct term is "milkbags"

Unfortunately for ATK, you have to watch Cristopher "Bland Guy From Vermont" Kimball tell you how to bland up any recipe that is remotely spiced.

Go to a "nurse-in" at your local Target.

I was intrigued when I saw that she always had a drinkie poo on her show, but I fell in love when she was talking about her recipe for lobster bisque. The first ingredient is a can of lobster bisque.

Mine will be watching Oz. I'm thinking a healthy fear of prison instilled from infancy can only be a good thing, right?

I'm guessing that her persona is the very reason they cast her.

He's had a bald spot for ages. The back of his head has always looked like they've been spraying hair in a can on it. I hope they just let him be bald already.

The new dr reminds me too much of Ashley Judd, and for me that is a problem.

The point being made is that it wasn't just a kiss. They kissed like they hadn't seen each other in 2 years - which, regardless of the genders involved, seemed like a bit much. And had she been in a straight relationship, I really doubt they would have made it so passionate.

What, you don't like to have your young gentlemen callers to tell you they are courting you? Don't find that sexy or appealing?

I wouldn't call it droning, but, for my tastes, I *would* call it boring.

It's definitely the main reason I am watching.

He paints majestic murinals on his gigantic penis.

I agree. I really enjoyed this epiode.

Halloween is coming up, hope its costume is extra special!

As someone of the straight female persuasion, I agree. And if a penis has a disctinctive characteristic, it's usually an odd/offputting one, not something that improves it.