Dr Girlfriend

Ooooh yes there are.

You are a disturbing individual, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Hating it is not acceptable. I'm sorry, but divorce is the only option.

But we'll judge you anyway.

I absolutely love that he signs them "Jim". I don't know why, but I do.

I was subjected to The View today. Mario Cantone was on. He said vagina, and they bleeped it out! You can't say vagina on The View!

I'm Puerto Rican, both my parents are Puerto Rican, I was born and raised there, and I still have an awfully white last name and awfully white-looking parents. It happens.

I'll have an instant aneurysm and drop dead.

My favorite Andy Rooney rant was one about shopping for fruit. He's mystified by papayas.

He is half PR, half Colombian. So everyone's right!

You're expecting people to read? That's cute.

Was it the teats, or was she menstruating? Nothing is safe when a woman's menses is near.

I'm sure there's a scene where the age of consent for the state in question is revealed, and all of those babysitters are shown to be of age. Right? Right.

yes, i think that's the difference. The energy that Dee puts out seems more manic to me than Charlie's. Charlie is definitely out there, but Dee is downright rattling.

"I guess that I don’t care. If I were really compelled to make a
really conventional show, just rife with conventions, I would do it. I
don’t feel like I owe it to anybody to avoid anything, any more than I
owe it to anybody to do anything on this show."

I remember reading an interview with Joel, where he said that they were asked many times why they didn't do Plan 9. It was because they thought it would be too easy.

"Also, his "death"=he committed suicide."

Torgo's oversized knees are actually kind of sad. From the Wiki:

Crunch Buttsteak!

They looked like they were having seizures onstage.