Merlock the Wizard

Some are just natural jumpers…

Sounds messy!

Boy, you really lucked out with this review.

You shut your filthy mouth!

These guys get it.

Daredevil 3: Helen Keller

More like a double R…for Random Roles


Oh boy…

I was just trying to share my Pop Secret with you.

Or at least someone who's a good Schwimmer.

Well, his best friend when he was 6 years old was a black man, after all.

Its a wonderful restaurant!

You oughta know.

The first two didn't bowel you over?

The one where Nick Offerman guest starred as a man who could kill sonically. His weapon of choice? A saxophone loaded with groovy tunes.

Agreed. Its still one of my favorites for this exact reason.

A rib, at least.

You think he's shit? Because he's not shit, he's champagne.

You know what? She's bringing us down, can we move her? Let's move her.