Merlock the Wizard

Will you teach me about this…what is it, a new way?

You forgot someone saying "Shut the door."

I remember I was in 6th grade around the time The Phantom Menace came out, and I was at a friend's house using this new thing, America Online. I will always remember stumbling upon a search history that said 'princess+amadala+naked'. And thus, the true nature of the internet was revealed.


I'd say more like landscapes. Depends on how close you are.

Time is a flat circle, man.

@bonerland I just sent a Creep Tweet about you.

So you're saying it partially charred your tree?

More of a people person.

I feel like the show did something smart by equating Will with dogs. He has a purity to him that makes you believe his vulnerability. It also makes the scenes of his psychological torture almost unbearable to watch.

The moment I realized the show was something special was in the pilot, when Will and Hannibal are having breakfast. The line about Hannibal seeing Will as a mongoose he wants under the house made my jaw drop. There is nothing like well-written dialogue, and this show has it in spades.

No Harmontown, but there is the Community Comic-Con panel.

…Can it be both?

Where Will what? @avclub-df62a0ec5558467c98ee8e2186a504ae:disqus , are you losing time? When was the last time you drew a clock?


I was committing a brutal, ritualistic murder! Weird!

@spinachleaf:disqus fair enough. I've long ago made peace with the fact that ninety percent of people who watch a Tarkovsky movie will be bored. I just didn't want to let "no point, stylistically or narratively" comment stand without doing my due diligence.

Tarkovsky believed that what seperated cinema from other mediums is the ability to depict time. His movies are slow and deliberately paced, and he uses lots (and lots) of long takes for this very purpose. It's obviously not for everyone, but it seems almost naive to suggest his movies are slow because he didn't know

эта глупо!

Best director of all time!