Merlock the Wizard

Was the girl named Britta Perry?

Oh Media Enthusiast, you're Goldbluming.

Yikes. Flashback sounds absurd. Like, Left Behind levels of crazy. I don't get how someone can go from Shakespeare and Keats to…this.

Simmons is an Islamophobe? That's disappointing to hear. I'm in the middle of Fall of Hyperion now. In fact I'm going to spend the last 45 minutes of work reading it after this comment. I'll still read the next two, but man, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Leaving nothing but a cool, beautiful serenity called … Arizona Bay.

As someone who enjoyed Ender's Game and its three direct sequels in late middle school/early high school, I was shocked to discover Card's believes a few years ago. I never detected any hint of bigotry, though I've not revisited his work since then. And honestly, as much as I enjoyed the Ender books, I never really

Would you ask Billy Bob Thornton that question?

…those aren't thumbs.


He absolutely haunts that movie. The long silent sequences are mesmerizing.

Just for fun, I imagined all of Yvette-Nicole Brown's responses in the voice of Stephen Wright.

I was hoping this article would summon him from the bleak yet beautifully shot Russian countryside.

He was fantastic in both Nostalghia and The Sacrifice. RIP.

My heart dropped a few months ago when my shop owner told me Scalped was ending. Definitly the best monthly right now, and has been for a long time.

Well presumably the future we saw in the season 3 finale is what Red Henry's existence leads to. Not exactly the best of all possible worlds. I'm guessing Cortexiphan Blue Henry leads to the future where the Observers hail from.

Yeah, Mr Newman!
Yeah, Science!

Nailed it.

Gotcha. To someone who knows nothing but the basics about mines (or who maybe wasn't paying enough attention?), it seemed like they were just doing the ol' bag of sand/golden idol exchange.

Maybe I missed something about how the mines work, but was there any reason, after Hauser escaped and Psycho held the trigger down with his knife, that he couldn't have put down like, a few dictionaries on the trigger and ran for safety? Why bother diffusing it if you can keep the trigger held down?

He's certainly helping me to fight the Stirrings.