Merlock the Wizard

True, but for me picking a favorite season is like splitting hairs. They're all great (well, except for season 1, obviously, but they get a pass on that one).

Needs more mustache.

Season 2 is when the magic happened, and everything started clicking-right from the first episode. I don't really think its fair to make comparisons to season 3- they had less episodes to work with, so there were less "filler" episodes (not that I mind. A filler episode of Parks and Rec is still a solid episode).

I'm liking that comment because I wouldn't mind terribly if that did happen.

I don't know if its the fact that my love for Parks and Rec and Community has so completely eclipsed my feelings for 30 Rock, or if they're just having a particularly off season (or both), but I'm just pretty bummed out by 30 Rock these days. Parks and Rec and Community are both, at their core, so optimistic, and

If by 'bleeding', you mean 'crying in awe of the cinematic glory', and if by 'anybody', you mean Armond White, then…yes.

You'd do that to your own brother?

I think he meant of the things you eat.

I think the Jerry insults are too absurd to take seriously, which is why they work for me. Its just a knee-jerk reaction for everyone at this point. Maybe its because it was earlier in the show's run, but I remember thinking that Tom telling Jerry no one cared about his grandmother-inspired murinal was pretty harsh. I

I am Anonymous and so can you.

And why would anyone ever eat anything besides breakfast food?

That sounds like the worst combination plate ever.

Oota oota, Lucas?