
I was thinking some alien race from Star Trek would work here, but Wikipedia says the closest is Jem'Hadar. Damn.

Also, I think Car Thief was the other track that was straight from the Dust Brothers. I think.

Check Dustygroove.com, that's where I got my copy. A copy will eventually show up.

Our college radio station plays the sick Freezone mix, and I've never heard the normal mix. But you say Root Down rocks, eh?

Ive got the grey cassette. I'm not an old fuck, but I bought it at an annual record sale for 50 cents. Money well spent.

Like Fred Flintstone drivin' around with bald feet

Just let the old bastard die in peace, I say. He can't have too long left anyway.

SOUSE (to his bartender): Was I in here last night, and did I spend a twenty dollar bill?
JOE: Yeah.
SOUSE: Oh, boy. What a load that is off my mind. I thought I'd lost it.

That Matlock line was killer, and very reminiscent of Grandpa Simpson.

Has there ever been such a post?

Ha, I see what you did there. But I actually know what "Newest First" and "Oldest First" do. Seeing as how the article was a day old by the time I posted and all..

This is probably my favorite Inventory so far. Good work, writers!

First autograph I ever got…
… to start my collection in Junior High. He was so nice, he sent me two postcards in the mail, both black & white pictures, one of him as Khan (because in my letter, I mentioned I loved him in that role), and one in a normal pose. Signed a little note on the back of both of them, which I

Papa Del's in Champaign, IL, anyone? Surely a U of I alum somewhere on here can back me up. It's always worth the typical hour-plus wait.

Yeah, no cable and stealing wireless means that you end up streaming old episodes of the X-Files with Chinese subtitles. Not that I, uh, do that.

I have the novelization to DC's Kingdom Come somewhere, written by Elliot S. Magin (isn't there a exclamation point somewhere in his name?). It's not too good, but had some new Alex Ross art in it.

Michael McDonald impression
Could it beat Kenneth's on 30 Rock?

Darwyn Cooke
A quick Wikipedia check tells me that Westlake wrote 24 of those Stark novels starring Parker. That could mean a lot of comics!

I forgot the live "Donny Hathaway" album, from Dusty Groove as well. Crap, I got a lot of stuff. I'll stop now.

I forgot, I also used a Target.com gift card to buy "Doolittle", "Surfer Rosa", "Pet Sounds" and "Remain in Light" LPs, and the 33 1/3 books for "Double Nickels on the Dime", "Paul's Boutique" and, you guessed it, "Doolittle".