
This seems like the place to ask a question that's been haunting me for the last week:

This seems like the place to ask a question that's been haunting me for the last week:

Fellow Parker Nerd,

Fellow Parker Nerd,

The Martini Edition is worth it. The interviews and some of the other extras are nice, but the real juice is the extra 8-page story, which is an adaptation of the ending of "The Seventh" (with the first page or two quickly and succinctly summarizing the plot of that book to get you to the fantastic ending sequence).

The Martini Edition is worth it. The interviews and some of the other extras are nice, but the real juice is the extra 8-page story, which is an adaptation of the ending of "The Seventh" (with the first page or two quickly and succinctly summarizing the plot of that book to get you to the fantastic ending sequence).

I am highly psyched for The Score. Not too concerned with Before Watchmen.

I am highly psyched for The Score. Not too concerned with Before Watchmen.

I'm seriously thinking about watching "Stick" tonight… is is any good? I put it on my list when I realized it was about the same character from Elmore Leonard's "Swag", a book I fucking love.

Please do report back. I like Chabon; not sure whether I want to read more *about* Lee/Kirby at this point.

Alright, two things I'd like to discuss:

I saw a preview of the issue somewhere online, and the art didn't win me over. Of course, I didn't see any of the cool stuff they talk about in the interview, just the first part with a fantasy lady giving birth. Maybe if I had seen some giant turtles…

Alright, I'm gonna find Prime Cut somewhere right now. All the chatter this week has finally gotten to me - can't believe I hadn't heard of it until now.

For me, it's that Daredevil feels like it's drawn straight up with a pencil, but Batwoman sometimes feels like the computer mouse is getting more of a workout. I still think it's beautiful art, but maybe I have some "retro" sensibilities that make me favor the style that Paolo Rivera (and Marcos Martin, although he's

Yeah, the overlap between being a huge Darwyn Cooke fan and a huge Richard Stark nerd was probably the only thing that would ever get me to spend that much money on something I already owned.

You think Daredevil looks like shit compared to Batwoman?

You might be too late, I got the feeling it might've been a quick mover the last time I was in a shop.

1) I don't know if Spaceman #4 comes out Wednesday or not. It should, based on it's past schedule, but comiclist.com and TFAW.com put it shipping on 2/29…


So, does the thing fold out, or what? I'm pretty damn interested in picking this up. Classic DC characters + a definite series ending point + great writers and artists = …… an interested comics fan, I guess.