Rumer Millis

I would try Nuvo, if only because I find it amusing that the entirety of the Sex and the City 3 trailer is so filled with product placement that it's practically a commercial for the stuff. Plus, I like things that are fruity.

I think the next episode will be fascinating, though, when Chris Brown shows up at Rihanna's house to ask for her forgiveness. I don't think it will be terribly suspenseful, though, because People already broke the news last week that they're back together, so it ruins the twist ending.

alyson stoner
I'm slightly embarassed that I know anything about Alyson Stoner, but are you sure that Alyson Stoner plays the main chick? Because the girl in the previews looks nothing like Alyson Stoner.

I mean, they sound like jokes but are actually real. My bad.

Yeah, there are a lot of movie titles that sound like jokes, but sound real. Like that movie "Payback: And It's a BITCH!" It's weird because it's not even an appropriate title for a movie about lesbian vampires.

Whatever, cbs thinks its so smart, but really they're just copying everything Fox does. Like how they brought Nigel Lythgoe back as executive producer of American Idol so he could replace all three judges (instead of just Simon) with younger "talent"? I mean, the only people I know who watch American Idol are

Well, Community's about to get pretty dark, too. According to Yvette Whats-her-face's (Shirley's) Twitter, one of the regulars gets expelled from the school in the season finale.

Then you should definitely see Transformers 3. I heard that there's a sex scene between Megan Fox and Channing Tatum (who is more at Megan Fox's hotness level than Shia LaBeouf).

I agree that it does sound a little suspect. But I'm a big fan of Felicia Day, and I'm happy to see that she has work…even if it's on a show that is ripped off from a ridiculous show that was ripped off from another ridiculous show.

Wrong. She's also famous for being the first Hawaiian to procure a successful abortion.

"It's the End of the World as We Know It" is also being rewritten as a baseball song. I have included the lyrics:

What I don't understand is why the commercial only mentioned Alyssa Milano's name. I mean, Melissa Joan Hart and Mischa Barton are just as famous and pretty as she is!

Actually, inside sources tell me that the sequel to Precious is in pre-production. Believe it or not, William Shatner will make a brief appearance as a doctor specializing in Down's Syndrome.

They're doing a sequel to the series, too. Well, I guess it's called a spin-off, not a sequel, but Miley Cyrus is in the movie, and they're using it to introduce her character as the protagonist of another Sex and the City type show, except there's no sex in her series, since she doesn't like sex. So it's mostly

Yeah, 20 is young, but that's not much younger than 26, which is how old Britney Spears was when she died last week. If only she hadn't tried to conjure Lucifer, she wouldn't have caught on fire the way she did.

Hi stacy512.

Everyone always talks about how much they love Dong Lover, and I did too, because I thought he was like, super funny, but then I saw a video of him being really, really mean to a retarded person - for no reason at all! I don't know why he needs to be so mean to people so clearly inferior to him, but I am boycotting

Actually, 50 Cent was there because he's dating Ashley Greene, that girl who play's Edward Cullen's sister. You know, the one with the dark hair that can like, see the future and stuff. They seem like kind of an odd couple, but whatever - I mean, I actually hope they work out. Interracial couples make the cutest

Did you know that Chris Rock IS retiring after this movie? But I like Amelie's theory about him, like, needing money for Good Hair 2. I would, like, totally watch Good Hair 2. My theory is that Chris Rock just wanted to have fun with his bestest friends before bowing out of showbiz, so to speak.

Well, I thought the Rear Window sketch was like, pretty okay. I liked that she was playing Grace Kelly - it was a nice wink to the fact that January Jones was cast in the To Catch a Thief remake as Frances, which was played by Grace Kelly in the original, so it, like, took on another layer of meaning…isn't that