Chancellor Puddinghead

I never thought about it like that.  My whole life is a lie!

He didn't?

I was going to, but then there was this thing at work, and then the kids were acting up.  You know how it goes.  Hope it was fun, though.  I hear you had Subway.  So jealous.

Facebook has been offering me Trekkie Dating dot com, where I can meet hot, lonely Trekkie babes in my area. 

Hey, am I the only one who sees this Norelco ad that looks like a wang?

Well, since we are letting gay people get married, I suppose marrying your favorite font is the next logical step. 

DUDE!  I haven't seen it yet!

Season 3 was…..fine….

Yes yes, everybody knows this one guy who's dad's friend totally started with nothing and now drives Ferraris and makes six figures, so obviously the almost 80% of Americans who don't break the 100k a year mark are just not working hard enough because if they were, they'd be rich too.

Yes, exactly.  I have a couple of friends who, in spite of their own self interests, are staunchly Republican.  I generally avoid their blather, but every so often, they trot out the old chestnut about how their great-grandfather came to America with nothing but 3 dollars and the shirt on his back and he started his

I've seen exactly 3/5ths of an episode of Smallville.  I think it was new at the time, and fairly late in its run.  As expected, I was mostly underwhelmed by the whole thing, until the "Next week.." sequence began after the credits.  It was shot in typical next week fashion, with a series of fades to black with each

@avclub-33235e3d066bad95b6eea457826f7507:disqus You think it's bad when they don't give any explanation about why they need to cut each other's heads off?  Trust me, it's better that way.  Things really go off the rails when they start trying to explain it.

That was disappointing.  I was expecting much more of a smackdown than that.  Looked more to me that Morning Joe couldn't think of how to fill 8 minutes, and made the awful mistake of letting Brand improvise and thinking they could keep up. 

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I'm imagining a trilogy where we spend the first two movies just waiting for Superman to show up while Green Arrow, Zatanna, and Vigilante just get pummeled over and over again. 

I love Highlander myself, but I totally see where you are coming from. The way I see it, we have a great framework in place: A small, secret society of immortal men and women battle across the ages, cutting each others heads off until only one is left.  After that, you just need some likeable actor/actress to be the

I can't imagine what the hold up is.  Highlander, as far as plots go, is pretty much a no-brainer (get it?), and the whole film could be finished in 4 days while they tear the sets down from the last Hobbit film.  Get Jennifer Lawrence to cut the heads of a bunch of unpaid interns while the ghost of Liam Neeson

My best idea is that Shyamalan might be trying to position himself for a possible court case, or is maybe padding his resume so people stop assuming everything he writes is going to have some twist.   

No, but he did write the Christmastime classic, "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells". Of course, at the time, it was a political jingle during the contentious 1910 New York Senate race between LeRoy Percy and Jebediah Batman. 

My great-grandfather wrote The Alphabet Song, and you don't hear me crying about it.  It belongs to the world now. 

Nice try, Mom.  I didn't buy it when you dressed up as Reginald VelJohnson to trick me into eating my brussel sprouts, and I'm not going to buy it now.  I'm going to be dancer!