Chancellor Puddinghead

No, that was Jane Lynch as the next Doctor you're thinking of.  The current poll indicates a four way heat between "Betty White",  "Stop raping my childhood", "I played that in high school and I thought I was pretty good.  Maybe I should do it." and "Obama is a Muzlim lol"

I'm always late to these parties, but to your question, the answer is go out and talk to women.  If you genuinely want a relationship, then go spend some of that free time you have not working volunteering for causes you feel strong about.  You'll meet women who you have something in common with, and can start off on

Biggie what?  Dear God, man, don't leave me hanging!

I'm almost certain the US version of Nightmares (and Hell's Kitchen too, which is only US I think) suffers from heavy manipulation of the producers, both in post production and sneaky tricks.  Like on HK, the number of chefs who undercook food is so ridiculous that either these are really terrible chefs (as in,

@Dikachu:disqus Vanna is just as much a part of the board as the letters.  If they made it all electronic, but got rid of Vanna, they would have fundementally changed the whole appeal of the game.  The entire game can be played with any hosts, honestly.   

On the UK version, they usually make a point of showing Ramsey's first failed attempt at a second restaurant by citing that he made most of the same mistakes he is now seeing in the failing restaurants he works with.  Truthfully, if the owners were preparing for Ramsey's arrival by fixing everthing he always complains

I don't watch too much reality competition, but I always make time for Hell's Kitchen, and this comment lends itself to that nicely.  The HK menu NEVER changes, or whatever slight changes there might be are not mind blowing.  And yet, everybody fucks up the risotto and tries to pass undercooked food past Ramsey as if

Yeah, Florida takes a narrow view of dating students.

Well, you can only have sex at night.  If you've ever had sex in the daytime and it worked, then something is wrong with you, and you should bury those feelings deep and never speak of them again. 

They should do it like they did Clue way back when.  You watch 15 minutes of the movie, and then you're shown a title card:

“Diaphragms aren’t recommended for women with stubby fingers….Sally.”

No, but you should google it.  In my mind it, and its counterpart Dear Diary, are the quintessential 1970s sex ed movies. 

To this day, the only thing I remember about my 8th grade sex ed class is "Son, in my line of work, I've seen all kinds of penises".

And everybody in high school has facial hair.  And everybody rocks the steering wheel back and forth while driving in a straight line and not looking at the road.  And ghosts are just misunderstood and lonely souls crying out for lost loves and are never just dicks who haunt people for fun.  And everybody owns a Mac.

This might be one of those rare instances where I feel like the teacher should get into trouble.  There are always stories about teachers upsetting parents because they tried to teach "The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn" and failed to have a representitive from the PTA yell "BEEP!!" everytime Huck said something less

Exactly.  We should return to the wholesome entertainment of my youth, such as Blood On The Highway and Am I Normal?

Bah.  Although Alien gets more acclaim, and it probably a better film, I think it's such a close race that it's hardly worth discussing, and certainly nothing to look down on anyone for.  Now, if you had said something like, "You know, I think the third Highlander really redeemed the series," I would find you and

So I looked up sciffy, and was surprised to find you've used it exactly right.  I was thinking it was some kind of porn.


Oh…oh my.  I had never heard of this show until 25 minutes ago.