Chancellor Puddinghead

In real life, he's actually quite physically imposing. 

To SLND:  Move.  It sounds like you live in a shitty building, and even if you manage to tactfully get Hipster Mustache to quiet down, it's just matter of time before someone else moves in.  Hipster should certainly be more considerate, however.  Talking about sex might be uncomfortable, but it is not excluded from

Yes.  You can eat anything from the sea with fins and scales. It's not the predatory thing so much.  All predatory birds are included only because all the forbidden birds listed were predatory, so Rabbis just take that to mean all predatory birds in general to account for all the birds they hadn't discovered yet.  I

"How's is someone gonna sue them knowing that's how things are going to go cause even most the shit they say in real life they be joking or playing around and its just a plain simple fact the government is trying to take down psycopathic records cause they don't know how to take us letters and los but this shit right

Seriously.  At the very least, working for "Dirty" Dan Diamond is just asking to get ambushed with a folding chair.

In all seriousness, good for both of them.  Not having a high school diploma is one of those things that, while it is pretty meaningless in the long run, can really wear on your self-esteem even if you are a success.   

I took the ASVAB twice just because it got me out of 4th period and I got a free pair of Army socks.

I like to imagine Charlie Sheen was in an accelerated course, which only took 4 minutes and about 3/4 of a Blow Monkeys song.

Finally, all those years of being haunted by their permanent records are behind them. 

It is a horrible name for a show, and I think it's a testament to the quality of the show that it has been able to get past its unfortunate name.  I judge books by their covers all the time, and for 4 seasons, I put Breaking Bad in the Netflix queue purgatory with promises of "Yeah, I'll get to it" based entirely on

Well, if it lasts long than four seasons, see a doctor.

I certainly hope it testes well in the focus group.

Michael Scott isn't the best example.  The Office's humor was always supposed to be uncomfortable, and what made it funny was that everybody (viewer and other characters alike) knew that Michael was being horribly inappropriate, and Michael was completely unaware of it until Kelly slapped him.  Michael genuinely

That was a fun little journey into the past.

Olivia Who?

Right.  A bald Doctor.  That's gonna happen.

That's your problem. 

"Too Long Johnny" was the first time I noticed that, even though it was supposed to be funny, House has some chops.

"God, why didn't my truck start this morning?"
"Well, Billy, it's like this:  You never change the oil, you drive with the clutch pressed in the whole time, you peel out at every red light like some sort of tool, and you parked across two parking spaces yesterday and someone poured sugar in your gas tank.  But if it

They covered Fireproof, didn't they?  Or was that a Tolerability Index?