Chancellor Puddinghead

I wouldn't judge you either way.  She popped again on Friends and I was all, "Yep, you still got it"

And there is a 50% chance that this comment made me super hot.

It seems to be universally agreed that Blade Runner is the pope's tits, and I have no reason to disagree except I've never been able to finish it.  I think it's more of a Pavlovian response.  I see Blade Runner, and it makes me sleepy. 

Someday I'm going to make it all the way through Blade Runner without falling asleep, and then I'm going to get all of those jokes!

Reading through the comments been an exercise in "Oh, yeah, I forgot about…" all day.  There were probably many more before her, but I have very vivid memories of a picture of Tracey Gold on the cover of TV Guide that awakened something fierce in Young Puddinghead.

@Scrawler2:disqus I always remember Chad Allen as being a fairly popular teen idol, so I'm not surprised you'd remember him right away.  I looked him up just now and WAS surprised to see he wasn't nearly as prolific as I remember him.  I always put him in the same group as the Coreys.

I always had it for the blonde villan on Captain Planet with the bangs that covered one eye.  To this day, that look drives me absolutely bonkers.

I always thought about it as Ariel, even though she was only wearing clamshells, was at least dressed appropriately for living underwater.  I can't imagine a race of fish people really getting into the heavy clothes trend.  And when she got legs, she did end up in a nice modest dress.

"my and my girlfriend's" I think.  Bowie is my free pass.  Bowie is my girlfriend's free pass.  Bowie is my and my girlfriend's free pass.

Oh man.  Martha Quinn. 

She does look great.  I know she's been in other things, but my primary experience is in Arrested Development.  Whenever I see headshots for an actress who I recognize for playing a…less than attractive…character, I am almost immediately smitten.  Amy Sedaris is an excellent example.

Of course it was.  Who else would have written it?  I cannot imagine a casual Doctor Who viewer even noticing that all the Doctors were played by different people, or have watched enough of the classic series to ever reach these well thought out conclusions. 

I feel terrible laughing at the above exchange, but that really was comedy gold.

I just figured there was a law that made television shows from BBC hire primarily UK citizens, and the small stable of actors we see is just representative of the limited population.  Also, racism.

I've got balls that won't quit.

@avclub-6f611188ad4a81ffc2edab83b0705d76:disqus This is only tangentially related, but I keep hearing that Hemlock Grove got higher numbers than House Of Cards.  Was it the first episode that got better numbers, or did more people actually finish that series than finished House Of Cards?  I tried to Something it, but

I once wrote a scathing blogpost about how much I hate being target-marketed, and now all I ever see are ads for Midol, Kleenex, and Whitman's Chocolate.

"My brother and I were up in the rafters; we seen the whole thing."

I don't know….a handful of Adderall and He-Man singing What's Goin On in an 8 hour loop spells happening Friday night around these parts. 

I agree with that.  There is probably a very good story involving Jon Hamm's penis that prevented him from doing AD even through he was asked.  I would have never thought of Jon Hamm as a comedic actor until I saw him in The Increasingly Poor Decisions Of Todd Margaret.  It was a simple gag that any of 100 different