Chancellor Puddinghead

Jon Hamm AND John Slattery?  This is Netflix, son.  We pay 7.99 a month.

That sort of happened at a gas station I was working at once.  All that actually happened was the guy was changing the sign for the price, but we hadn't actually gotten to the pumps yet, since we change the sign first to avoid this sort of scene.  Nevertheless, this lady genuinely believed that we charged her more for

Obviously, I am not stating a mathematical equation about how one should like Arrested Development, so it's well within reality that you liked it the first time through.  But, if I may ask, did you like it better your second time through? Moreover, did you appreciate the first season more when you started seeing how

Perhaps "unloved" was a poor choice of words.  Yes, it was always critically acclaimed, but never tremendously popular, even for a show that went three seasons.  The feeling I'm getting from the comments (less from your article, Todd) is that it's not quite the same Arrested Development we remember.  My point is that

Don't be sadface.  I made it up.  Firefly is going to be on forever and ever.

After I watched the Christina Hendricks episode, I was only sad because there wasn't a television quote/internet meme suitable for me to express how I was really feeling.  Then I watched War Stories.

Great, Firefly got cancelled again. 

I keep reading the same criticisms of this season, which can be roughly paraphrased "This season was ok, but it wasn't as good as my favorite, which I have watched through 12 times and can recite on demand."

I've never experienced that myself.  Not with Netflix anyway.  Hulu does it constantly, and only rebooting the Roku will fix it.  Out of curiosity, what are you streaming on?  I'm pretty sure my Hulu issues are Roku specific.

@avclub-716a2226e3cec24e2aab41c0e4b6fc97:disqus …..her?

Really?  I haven't actually watched a complete episode of Saturday Night Live in…well, I don't think ever actually…so I never really got on the Wiig train.  Her Young Lucille, however, could not have been more perfect.  Ever her eye blinks to beautifully timed.  It makes me want to see what all the Wiig hubbub is all

I liked New Egg.  I think giving her more lines (and a spine) really helped contrast how little the Bluths have changed in 5 years.  Of course she becomes a stronger and more assertive person.  She's not the one with the problem.  You could say that her development was not arrested. 

Steve Jobs comes to mind

@Scrawler While I enjoyed the faceblindness gags, I thought it was just a little too Arrested Development.  I'm not exactly sure how to explain what I mean by that, but it sort of felt like someone said, "Ok, we need an "Arrested Development" style joke here."

@avclub-00f83a44156a1e0026a36394960f2609:disqus The name of the church was Holy Eternal Rapture.  I had to stop and rewind because I knew I was missing something with a joke that obvious.

and then Ritchie backs out, and Tim Burton takes over, gets a little carried away with the CGI, Depp won't leave his trailer until he gets to wear a funny hat, and by the end, the whole thing spirals into a Patty Duke Show remake.

I immediately assume all bands are comprised of four bland doughy white guys.  That stereotype has served me well.

But it'll be one of those weird royal handies where she doesn't move her wrist.

Siri, set a reminder for me to laugh.

Yes.  Calling something Art is often the nicest thing I can think to say.  This is also a movie, and technically, Tom Six is a "job creator".