Chancellor Puddinghead

I'm not doing it justice, really, but it was really out of left field.  I would also love for a scene with the line, "Hey Charles, it's me.  Bibleman."

…..i thought it was funny. 

Because porn for porn's sake is free.  If they want to make money, they need to start getting inventive and make it something people want to watch and pay money for.  I think the parody idea is just like Cookie says: It draws the eye because it's a recognizable name, and the word Parody is being used very loosely and

He'll review 5 minutes a week over the course of a year, culimating in a book deal collecting all the reviews, plus never before seen entries covering the deleted scenes.  He will not call it My Year Of Faps, so don't ask.

If they make another Austin Powers movie, I am seriously going to lose my shit.

Hey, back this up a moment.  Chuck Norris did a whatnow?

Willie Aames used to be on Eight Is Enough.

It sort of sounds to me like she just likes you, and wants to be your friend.  She probably enjoys intimate settings for her meals as opposed to dinner parties, and genuinely likes your company.  She was clear about her feelings, and you didn't blow her off as soon as she took sex off the table, which is sadly

They don't watch Discovery or Learning Channel or wherever he was.  They pretty much only seem to focus on the networks, and MTV for easy pickings. 

@avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus Wow, I've been posting here for almost 3 years, and I just now got that….

The Parents Television Council seems like a very angry and unhappy group of people.  Perhaps they should watch more wholesome entertainment, or maybe talk a walk.  It's a beautiful day outside. 

Bob Uecker isn't getting one red cent of my 35%.  Bob Euker is a wholly fictional construct, and any resemblence to real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Bibleman is awesome.  It was fun because it was Willie Aames, and that was all I needed, but then one day, this exchange took place (roughly):

Yeah….it's more of a Webster uses that secret passage behind the grandfather clock in the hallway to enter a magical kingdom and meets Mr. Belvedere, and they journey across the Misshappen Forest to find the Lost City of Papadopoulos and relight the Torch Of Everlasting Fortitude.

You'll have to, since I'm pretty sure that fetish isn't allowed.   

35%!!  Hot damn, if that isn't a pretty good deal.  Call me when you get the Webster/Mr. Belvedere rights, cause have I got an adventure for you!

Under seething protest, I'm sure.

Exactly.  You should always have a solid backup and a set of reduntant systems in place, just in case you get that virus that tries to steal your credit cards and then burn down your house.

I have never understood the range of 18-49.  I'm 35 now, and I can say with a fair degree of certainty that my 18 year old self was a wildly different person taste-wise, as well as viewing habit wise.  It just seems like saying "18-49" is about the same as saying "everybody except old people". 

I boil NCIS down to a single scene:  Goth Girl has an amazing piece of evidence that will shut this case down, and all she has to do is run it through her magic evidence scanner when, OH NO, a hacker has hacked into the computer machine, and proceeds to set fire to her monitor.  The spoiled little shits are running