Chancellor Puddinghead

No.  Don't search your feelings. Your feelings will betray you.  Search Google.

They have wings so you can have more surface area to mount guns and engines without having to waste additional resources with excess hull, keeping the ship small, nimble, and reletively cheap.

Aw, man.  I've had about all I can stand of River Song.  One of Doctor Who's strengths is its ability to do away with dead weight, and River's story is played.  Maybe if Alex Kingston toned down the drag queen act a bit, it wouldn't so grating.

That's correct.  Both sides are guilty of simplifying complex issues by finding generic scapegoats in lieu of actual solutions.  I only mentioned the Conservatives in this case because it fit the context of the joke.  It was actually Janet Reno who went on the offensive with Beavis and Butthead, a Democrat.  Just

I was worried it wouldn't be the same, but I was pretty impressed with how well it held up to my memory.  I don't think I've laughed as hard at a music video as when the boys were watching Katy Perry, and when Beavis declared that he was also a firework, Butthead replied, "She isn't talking about you, Beavis.  She's

Raul Julia's swan song. 

"I'm not ashamed to say that the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack is still in my regular rotation." said the Internet comment board participant with a My Little Pony avatar

Sure does seem like the Cons are always blaming all our problems on the latest pop culture trends.  Like, remember that time the NRA blamed a recent school shooting on Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat?  Seems like only yesterday…

There is lots on money in gold.  And it's so easy!  All you have to do is find it, stick it in this prepaid envelope, and wait!  You could be paid up to $25 an ounce!

Actually, I was thinking about the Three of Diamonds, but we have some lovely parting gifts for you.  Johnny… 

Once I get my manifesto published and the truth finally comes out, we'll see whose pants are the craziest. 

Four times! 

I'm ok with this.

No, man, you just don't get it.  We're all just a bunch of haters who don't deserve a Zombieland TV series.  It's perfect the way it is.  We're the flawed ones.  You know what?  I don't even want you to watch it anymore.  You couldn't handle Zombieland: The TV Series.  Go back to your Twilights and your Moulin Rogue

Of course not.  That would just be silly.  Obviously, God would never masturbate.  He would just turn himself into a swan and seduce homely milkmaids.  Read the Bible, dude. 

@swanpride:disqus That's an interesting point that I really hadn't thought of.  Seems like Disney, in spite of the current criticisms, really is trying to make an effort to change their protagonists for a more modern audience.  They have a ways to go, but to hear Jezebel tell it, one would think Disney has been

Cartoon Network used a very similar model with Cartoon! Cartoon!, and it led to some very successful franchises, and launched a good number of careers.  Admittedly, the glaring difference between the two would be Cartoon Cartoon only had to produce 10 minute pilots and could show 3 in a day during a time when people

Certainly the wrong week to quit sniffing glue, that's for sure.

Based on how the Amazon rating system generally works, 3.7 stars probably consisted of one 5 star review by the producer, a two star review by someone who takes themselves way too seriously, and 3 1 star reviews with comments like, "Show was ok, but the stream kept buffering, so one star"

I would say that is pretty close to what a die-hard fan is.  Like how a die-hard fan of Nightmare on Elm Street will go see whatever new Nightmare on Elm Street comes out, no matter how terrible it looks.  Sure, he'll bitch later about how terrible it was and raping of childhood and such, but he'll still go see it.