Chancellor Puddinghead

I didn't watch it, but considering they clearly put a lot of effort into casting the closest duplicates they could afford, I can tell they weren't looking for any real sense of originality.  Personally, I would have just cast different characters, put them in the same world, and told new stories.  Maybe, if the show

I dare say, perhaps even Wasps.

I've seen it.  It turns out The Golden Palace is really just a metaphor.  The Golden Palace was really inside our hearts or it was really Rue McClanahan's vagina.  I forget exactly. 

What is that?  Is that porn?!

This looks shopped.  I can tell by some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time.

more like 2 Soon 2 Late

That whole final paragraph reads like classic O'Neal making up quotes and ending with, ", said the film producers, probably."  Except the "probably" never came.

That didn't stop 12 months of Community speculation.

Clarissa couldn't have explained it better herself.

I may not have a great eye for details, but the only body modification I'm seeing is a slightly narrowed waist.  Her neck is still long and thin, her hair is still red and naturally curly, her giant blue eyes are still spaced widely and her nose is still super thin.  I wouldn't exactly call Old Merida "Rubenesque".

Maybe not Taylor Swift.  She seems a little too "contestant-y" to be a judge.  I'd get Lisa Loeb.  A genuine talent with just enough notoriety to be taken seriously as a mentor/judge, and probably wouldn't break the bank.  If they can afford Nicki Minaj at her peak (such as it is), they can get Lisa Loeb.

Black Hole Sun feat. Nicki Minaj

It cannot end until Ryan Seacrest is named The Next American Idol, creating a paradox that will cause a tear in the fabric of reality, finally imprisoning Paula Abdul once and for all.

No.  The Internet already has too many verbs.  We will not be Binging anything. 

I doubt they'll be trying a same sex couple, human or otherwise, for a long time.  I can only think of very recent…well, anything actually…that is properly able to portray a same sex couple with the fact that they're gay being the entire focus of their character.  At this point, I'll settle for Disney just losing the

I think what we're seeing is a demonstration of the Uncanny Valley in action.  There is nothing exactly wrong with the computer generated version of Merida, but something is still just a bit off. 

I don't know.  That picture looks exactly like what I would imagine Merida would look like if she decided, like a regular person, that she needed to dress nicely for a particular occasion.  I fully appreciate the sentiment. There is absolutely a problem with the way woman have been portrayed by Disney (and Marvel and

I never thought he was the problem, since they keep giving him shows.  Somebody somewhere thinks he's worth another chance.

Does this mean Mr. K get his own show now?