Chancellor Puddinghead

It really is, which sucks because there is actually some good content on there that is exclusive to Crackle.  Honestly, they should either throw in with Hulu or Netflix and combine libraries, or go commercial free and try to compete.

So, should we decide now between Straight-to-the-Internet or Straight-to-Cloud as our default description of shitty cash grab sequels, or just let it happen organically?

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It's almost as if people have forgotten the lessons of Mister Rogers. 

I don't know anything about this show except the picture above and the various comments down here. Is this a new Final Fantasy game? I really like Final Fantasy.

WTF is MoreMAX?  Did someone actually ask for more, or was this one of those fucked up monkey paw wishes with tragic and ironic consequences?

They do it all the time.  It's just an option, not a commitment.  Fox basically pays for first right of refusal. If the book series tanks, Fox passes on the option, and forfeits the option cost.  

Late to the party, but I've been off and on the whole commenting thinger these days.  I wanted to chime in on this episode though, and last weeks, in regards to Pierce.

My mistake.  I was speaking as if you were the OP.  I would absolutely love to know how he did it, as he claims, with no CGI.  That's a ballsy and pretty inaccurate statement.  I'll say he did his very best with as little CGI as possible, but he set a woman on fire and she kept talking.  Either he's straight up lying,

I guess I missed the memo about no CGI. All modern movies use CGI augmentation, horror or otherwise.  If that's an issue, you may as well pack it in now, because that's just how the game is played.  What stood out to me were scenes that most modern movies would have relied heavily on CGI were instead shot with extreme

For the gore, it was fine.  They could have just called it Angry Deceased.  As a remake, it was shit.  I had fun with all the little references to the originals, even if they did seem a little heavy handed (She cut her fucking arm of with an electric knife.  Does that sound 'fine'?)

1.  I don't think they were zombies.  The demon can just animate dead flesh.

I saw it.  While the first scene was pretty obviously CGI, for the most part the CGI was kept to a minimum. 

Hmm, I suppose one man's fashion accessory is another man's evidence in a criminal investigation. 

The one on the right looks like Beaker.

She looks like one of those creepy dolls that always tells me to murder people.


"…an abysmal sequel that abandons the found-footage concept…"

I laughed when Smashing Pumpkins did it, and while I like The Breeders (and Last Splash) far more, I'm still going to laugh at this. 

There goes Morrissey again, perpetuating gay stereotypes, just like all vegetarians.