Chancellor Puddinghead

Just light one with a match or lighter.  You'll see.

Absolutely.  Fritos work nicely too. 

I can't unsee that!

You should always keep a bag in the trunk of your car.  They make excellent emergency fire starters.

Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch is probably about as cool as you can get without going full Q.


Really?  It's quite likely she has the most famous and recognizable nose in television, and she practically looked exactly the same through her entire life.

Just buy both.  Wear the special one to show off to friends, or at the engagement party and, of course, the wedding.  Wear the cheapy on the regular days.  If you can drop $1000, you can drop $1010.  Not really seeing the conflict on this one.

The one on the right is Dude.  The one of the left is Spoilers.  No.  No, MY left.  That's Spoilers.  Say hello, Spoilers.

@TMJW:disqus I know the vegans you're talking about.  It's not really fair to say all vegans are like that, or it's an attitude exclusive to vegans, but I certainly know the type.  The insufferable vegan I was referencing is insufferable because she is insufferable.  That she's vegan is more of an "Oh, of course she

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Goats are totally ok to eat under Chancellor Puddinghead's Animals That Deserve To Be Eaten Because They Are Jerks Act.  I would reconsider the "can eat anything" policy, though.  I woud hate to think what goat milk would taste like if you just let them eat your recycling or compost. 

Haha.  Fat one…

Dude.  Spoilers.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I hear you loud and clear on that one.  I love meat, and I don't foresee a future where I stop eating it, but there really isn't any way for me to deny that meat (especially beef) is probably the least efficient food source available.  I live near Harris Ranch, and while

Eating meat is ok if the animal was an asshole in life.  That's why we should all eat cat and horses.  I bet whales are pricks too. 

Those products are also aimed at people who still would eat meat if the doctor hadn't told them that eating more meat is bad for them.  In my admittedly limited experience, vegetarians seem to fall into the "health reasons" camp far more often than the "meat is murder" camp.  The number one reason cited by my

You can't?  That seems like something that is already happening. 

That one was also surprisingly good.  It helped that they were able to recast most of the living actors from the original, and got Mumy's kid to play the daughter.  It's not the greatest half hour of television, but it's head and shoulders over the movie version of that story.  I'm still really butthurt about that… 

Seems to me that the Gay Adonis isn't anymore unique than the Straight Aphrodite.  As LBGT characters become more ubiquitous and less contrived, the idea of super attractive and hyper-sexualized actors/actresses playing these characters isn't likely to change.  It's not a stereotype exactly; it's just how you make

I dated a celebrity bear while on Ambien once.  Not an A-lister or anything, but pretty famous among my other forest friends.