Chancellor Puddinghead

I always put "The Bewitchin Pool" among the very worst of TZ.  Just complete uninspired garbage, even going so far as to name Mary Badham's character "Sport" and her brother "Jeb" rather than be bothered to come up with an original name.

From the unfortuate '00 revival, I really thought the remake of "Monsters are Due on Maple Street" was pretty clever.  Replacing comic books with video games was pretty lame, but by replacing "Commies" with "A-Rabs" and changing very little dialog, I think it's a great example of "The more things change…" morality. 

I have nothing to add to this.

You can get the weather on this thing?

I'm still perplexed why Wonder Woman is so cursed as far as television goes.  Xena, Alias, and Nikita are just a few examples of strong female leads that can work without having to tart them up too much, and still go heavy on the ass kicking.  Is Wonder Woman just boring or something? 

The same reason people still eat bland crackers and tell themselves is Jesus even though it's clearly packaged at the same place Necco Wafers come from:  It's just what you do.

The ghost of a 1970s accountant.

I liked the scene with the homeless man.  It makes more sense later in the series, but it all stems from that first scene with the dog.  He doesn't have any problem putting something out of its misery, and he'll be blunt and cruel about it, but it's always coming from a place of mercy.

@avclub-61938d93498e7f0ed5e6527b1cee656a:disqus I would expect FX to do exactly what they're doing now, I suppose.  I can't fault them, really.  It's the way the game is played now.  What FX does have now is an audience that would be very receptive to the sort of innovations that internet and streaming would provide. 

@avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus It's got its own button on my Hulu remote, and there is a good amount of content that is exclusive to Crackle.  Mainly, the problems I've seen are poor streaming quality, and a very poor approach to commercial breaks. 

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus Fair enough.  That makes sense, and it also sucks, since it means that we'll be stuck with the old business model for quite a bit longer.  This means either paying too much for cable, or sticking with my streaming diet and just missing out on some shows until Netflix


@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus I think Sony is still pinning their hopes on Crackle taking off, and might have some dream of holding on to the good stuff to draw viewers.

Perhaps not great business sense to put them out next day, or even one month after, but FX is really stingy with the rights altogether.  Considering that the primary driving force behind one of their most successful and popular shows has proven that there is money online (without the need for a network), you'd think

I always assumed that Metropolis and Gotham "existed" in the real world, but they were just other cities.  Kind of like Springfield.  I could be wrong about that, though.

As I understood it, they were going for an Avengers plan: Introduce a bunch of characters in other movies, and then Justice League them together in a big blockbuster.  That sort of means that each movie will need to be held to higher standard, and that standard means someone is going to read the script before

FX has been catering to the same demo that loves watching whole seasons in a weekend, and the same demo that thinks the Internet is pretty neat stuff.  So, I do not understand their aversion to streaming through Hulu, or holding out on Netflix releases as long as they do. 

The Liberace Museum closed?  Well, there's one more thing to add to the list of ways Thomas Lennon has ruined my life.

It would seem that he's actually quite accomplished in this field, and has been at it at least as long as Ice Ice Baby has been around.  His show, for a third tier cable station, is doing rather well, and let's be honest, nobody is ever going to notice Van Winkle Lighting.

I'm not as well versed on Judd Apatow as some, it seems.  I saw This is 40 on a date a few weeks back, and I remember distinctly thinking at one point, "My, that was a delightful movie.  Time for a nice long pee before I go home."  And then the credits didn't roll, and the characters started fighting again, and then