Chancellor Puddinghead

I spit water all over my monitor as soon as I saw [TARTS].  Brilliant work, Dada.

Is my dad hosting this show?  Honestly, there is no telling what sort of crazy antics he'll get himself into each week.

Five bucks says he stares off at the corner of the ceiling, drools, then shits himself before screaming like he's standing 6 inches from a bonfire.  Ten bucks says he'll fall alseep as he drools, and then wakes himself up with the shit.

@avclub-2bd086692a63899c03bb946d58c44d25:disqus The entire point of the Bill of Rights was to separate and protect the private citizen from the state.  Saying that "well-regulated" implies "state-controlled" completely defeats the purpose of the Amendments.  The well regulated militia is a right guaranteed to the

Lauren Faust is not cool because she made MLP.  MLP is cool because it was made by Lauren Faust. 

Let it be known that I, Chancellor Puddinghead, is very excited to see The Powerpuff Girls return.  The Powerpuff Girls is a show that I enjoy, and enjoying shows like The Powerpuff Girls is something I get excited about. 

I was totally crushed.  I'm still a little upset over this whole ordeal.

Hey, that's the name of the show!

—Michael Keaton

@avclub-72e068a12ae7544202a7fcc40b5448aa:disqus My god.  That is, that is a problem right there.  We'll need to nip that in the bud.                                           

The problem with the Evil/Crazy People Will Always Find A Way argument is that the overwhelming majority of gun murders in this country are not committed by the mentally ill, and very rarely involve more than one victim.  This really isn't a mental health issue (although that is probably a larger part of the problem

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Just roll with it, man.

@Dikachu:disqus Yes, exactly.  I always say something similar whenever I hear the "only criminals will have guns" chestnut.  Good, at least I'll know who has all the guns.  They'll be the guys at the train station twirling their pencil mustaches while spying on me through eyeholes cut out of a newspaper.

When you're a Jet,
you're a Jet all the wayFrom your first cigaretteTo your last dying day…

The only thing that can stop Frank Ocean with a gun is Chris Brown with a gun.

Let's date rape poverty!

Nah.  He's just a thug that came into a whole bunch of money and fame without having the maturity to know how to behave when you have a whole bunch of money and fame.  The same thing happens to pro athletes all the time. 

"Hatebatin" sounds cooler to me.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus So?  If he didn't have his gun, he would have just run him over with his Hummer.  You want to make Hummers illegal too?