Chancellor Puddinghead

You did not.  Your kid grows up to be Hitler.  Way to go.

Damnit!  I really liked this show.  Krysten Ritter was incredible, and at least I can rest comfortably that she'll eventually get her star attached to something worthwhile, but I really really liked this show and I don't want to see it go.

Good.  Now I know who to blame.

I was thinking he's Sherlock Holmes, and "Her" was a reference to "The Woman".

Except it worked on Hook in Fairyland, and she seems fairly convinced it worked before she got to Storybrook.  It's only consistently failed while she's been in Storybrook. 

It has yet to work in Storybrook.  It worked perfectly in Fairyland.  I think that will come up again.

Calling her Bey is why you lost that privilege in the first place, Scraw

Great, now Hollywood has gotten so boring that they can't even be bothered to find new, exciting artists to rape my childhood.

I didn't mind the idea of the controllers.  What I hated was the little plastic overlays for the keypad.  Perhaps if I had not been 6 when I got my Intellivision and had a little more respect for my toys, it would not have been so bad.  But I was a Shitty Little Pony, so I regularly lost or destroyed those things.

The Intellivision Pac Man was far superior.  It went all the way to Pineapple.

"Wokawokawokawokawokawokwok….blublublublubloop.   Wok."  -CEO Jim Wilson, Atari (2013)

Cool story, bro.

Turned down Death Note because he wouldn't do it justice?

A covey of dildos.

The North American Wild Dildo's natural defense is to stand close together in a tight pack, which blends them all together and makes it hard for its predators to tell where one ends and the other begins.

Splendidus narratio, Frater.

Yes. Yes, it is.

That slide whistle was just dripping with irony, though, so it's cool.

@avclub-832d86d3a05e2b4973c329471ee9d6c4:disqus As a literal cartoon pony, I can assure you that it's the real Cookie Monster.  He's a swell guy.  Real down to Earth, you know?

It's how I figure out who to bang.