Chancellor Puddinghead

He should have read our comments on that guy what peed in the airport.  We were on fire that day.  He'll think twice before peeing on the rug again, let me tell you.

Mine does that!  There was an accident involving a nail gun and a miscommunicated safe word.  I was devistated at first, but it's quite the icebreaker at parties. 

We just got schooled on Funny by some asshole with a podcast who can barely operate a slide whistle.  I had to bypass my company firewall just to listen to that, and it wasn't even funny.  One star!  Would not bang!

So much fail…

So much fail…

Anything is better than teaching proper sexual education and offering birth control.

So only criminals could have limos.

She's the main reason I ever started doing the crossword or reading Marmaduke and Heathcliff.  RIP.

She's the belle of the ball.

As soon as I get some this 'money' everybody keeps talking about, I'll be sure to give him a call.

That happened?  All I remember was a catch phrase and Mrs. Garrett.

I'd trust him with my money.  RIP

*throws hands in air* Whooooaaaaa!

@avclub-6422e3b9b5a4d5582042acbf6096cb8d:disqus Chemically preserved my ass.  That stuff turns brown within 15 minutes of being exposed to air. 

Christ keeps hounding me to like his Facebook page, but He always just ends up flooding my newsfeed with pictures of cats and some pretty racist jokes. 

@EvelKareebel:disqus It wasn't terrible, actually.  It was surprising that they cancelled it without really a chance, since they dropped about a million on the pilot.  I don't really know if it would have stayed watchable, though, since the only reason I was impressed was because I had lowered the bar quite a bit.

I doubt it will be that simple.  Belle's kiss probably would have broken Gold's curse, but there is still a question of whether Gold actually has True Love for Belle.  He spent most of last season trying to bottle True Love, indicating that he couldn't find it within himself, either for Belle or his son.  In order for

Oh, you minx!

I liked it better when I could tell them apart.

He doesn't know how to actively use the Force, but it's very likely that he's been using it his whole life, which is why he's been able to bullseye womp rats, no bigger than 2 meters, back home.