Chancellor Puddinghead

True, but everybody knew this was a near impossible task.  Only Luke really had any confidence that he could do it, since he hit targets that small all the time back home.  Chances are, he was using The Force back then too, although he wasn't aware of it.

Except, unlike Uganda, they'd be right next door.  Sure, they won't be a super power, but they certainly could be dangerous, unstable and, quite possibly, hostile.  Beyond that, they would own an incredible bit of coastline and a bunch of oil.  The world stage isn't really relevant here.  Sorry everybody, but we have

Well, we'd have gotten away with it if it weren't for that meddlesome bat and his do-gooder friends!  I think we should ban all Bat-named weaponry.  Except Batguns, which as we all know, don't kill people.  Only Batpeople kill Batpeople.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that states do not have a constitutional right to secede, and that it can remain illegal to do so.  They did state, in that same ruling, that people do have an inalienable right of revolt.  So, basically, the court used a lot of fancy talk to say, "No, you aren't allowed to secede,

I'd also add a stipulation that states they may only be readmitted to the union when they've calmed down enough to eat civilly at the table and apoligize to their sister.

Could still be Arial Narrow, but the NO has been resized as a graphic, so now it's all misshapen. 

Those secession petitions annoyed me.  Not so much because people cry secession every four years whenever they don't get what they want, but rather because you don't ask permission to secede.  You are never going to get permission to secede.  You just do it and hope you have the firepower to back it up.

Please don't let this be the last time.  I really enjoy being corrected about stuff.

Tom Baker was always my favorite Britney, but this new one could pan out.

No, for serious.  That guy has always had some guns on him.  Normally, I wouldn't notice, but all those revealing dresses.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus In my town, I just park my Hummer behind the other Hummers so nobody sees.

I got a rock : (

Who knows?  Not me.


Special guests Three Dog Night!


Oh, I'm just playing.  I know you aren't "That" guy.  Honestly, if not for you, I'd have completely forgotton about him.  Everybody knows you're The Real Deal, Sean O'Neal.

Yeah, that haircut isn't helping your "I'm not THAT Sean O'Neal" case much.

This isn't Reddit?  What else haven't you been telling me, O'Neal?

I think it merits discussion at least.  I mean, just because he's incredibly obese and stuck in a permanent horizontal position doesn't automatically mean he should be the host.