Chancellor Puddinghead

They'll just say "The N Word".  We'll all know what they mean.

I'm not sure, but I think that might be racist. 

"if you (convince someone at a bar) to engage in sexual activity with you, and that person is doing something you like, and then transitions into doing something you don't want, I think we can safely say there is no sexual assault unless you tell them to stop and they don't. "

I think I should be going to see this movie.

I'm going to say no: It's still rape even if you paid for it.  I see where you're coming from, though.  There is a certain level of consent implied in paying someone to sex you, and that's going to make a rape accusation hard to stick, but there have been many rape situations where the girl "consented" all the way to

The tone of the letter, from my perspective anyway, was that he was worried that the experience would "make him gay."  Not in the "oh, I guess I was gay the whole time" sense, but rather the "haha, I gave you my gay germs and now you are gay!" sense.

No other commenters can deny.

It's not so bad.  Someday, if you're lucky, you'll get old too.

I'm sure I have an opinion on Aetherites somewhere around here.

I'm sure I have an opinion on Aetherites somewhere around here.


Yep.  Your youthful looks, sparkling wit, disposable income and endless college pussy will never make you truly happy.

Yeah, I know.  I don't actually agree or disagree.  In fact, I have no opinion at all.  But this is the Internet, and I wouldn't be a very good Internet citizen if I didn't spout off about shit I know absolutely nothing about.

Yeah, I know.  I don't actually agree or disagree.  In fact, I have no opinion at all.  But this is the Internet, and I wouldn't be a very good Internet citizen if I didn't spout off about shit I know absolutely nothing about.

I've never read the comic, but that won't stop me from disagreeing with you.  #6SeasonsAndAMovieAndAComicBookTieInAndThenAnotherMovie

I've never read the comic, but that won't stop me from disagreeing with you.  #6SeasonsAndAMovieAndAComicBookTieInAndThenAnotherMovie

Hey, there's actually a couple layers to that joke. Good one.  High five.

Yes.  Kimmel was robbed.

That was the most Raven video ever.

@avclub-5bc6960dad8ab0694bb4d6ff884b0c1e:disqus Why do you hate freedom?