Chancellor Puddinghead

"What strength! But don't forget there are many guys like you all over the world."

Letterman is old and weak, but Kimmel is no match for Leno's Dragon Style.

You probably just need to do more situps.

Women are not an enigma to be solved.  Here's what you do:


Texas Chainsaw 4: First Blood Part 2

Always put salt in my eye.  Got it.

No, YOU'RE a massive cocaine overdose who has unlocked the secrets of time travel.

No, he's no Minnelli, that's for sure, but he's no Wells either.  The original "dark" ending is the ending of the stage version, and was changed due to negative reaction probably for similar reasons you state here.  I can't speak to Oz's direction style other than to say I count Dirty Rotten Scoundrals, What About Bob?

I lent Leonard Pierce my copy of Genius Isolated.  That did not go well.  Also, Chipmunks used to be extinct.  So, you're welcome.

I have not seen That's My Boy, but the concensus from my peers has been that Vanilla Ice was the best part of that movie. 

Well, that sounds about as thrilling as their previous expose on the encroaching menace of popes in funny hats.

You guys don't know this, but if Chris Farley had lived, he would have risen to become one of the most powerful and deadly dictators that the world had ever seen, resulting in the mass extermination of millions and the enslavement of humanity to feed his insatiable lust for power.  That's why I traveled back in time

In Pog form!

Ed Wood made Orgy Of The Dead.  Ed Wood has no shame. 

Other than it was first, please tell us what makes the original superior.  It's fine for what it is, and is definitely one of Corman's finest examples of what Corman does, but I would hardly call the musical inferior.  Had there been no musical, and if the stars were not aligned for Jack Nicholson, The Little Shop Of

I thought it was great too, especially referring to "the second-gayest thing a guy can do."  I don't think I could have said it better myself.

Keel Moose?

Novocaine?  I guess only one Steve Martin entry per list.

They're the mechanics of the medical profession.  And, at least in America, they seem to have a serious stranglehold over teeth.  Once, I was at my GP for some basic checkup, and we went over all my various concerns.  My doctor was happy to talk about my sleep issues, that weird lumpy mole I have, my crippling social