Chancellor Puddinghead

That doesn't sound very gay at all.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I was about to ask you who HC was, in hopes of it maybe explaining the joke, and then all of a sudden, I got the joke. 

People on dating websites are "down to earth" people who enjoy "having fun" and "laughing".

You can have a good sense of humor and not be funny.  It's the people who say they are funny that generally are not.

Hey, that bra was made of bacon.  What were we talking about again?  Quiet, the game's on.

Because you're pinching it too hard.  You should use just enough pressure to keep it straight.  Try no hands first, and then just keep nudging it a little til you get it aimed right.

I was also a fan of Marla.

The mere fact that you call them knickers tells me you aren't ready.

Yeah.  I'd feel like I was ripping her off if this wasn't such a common occurance.  I think my favorite NGOKC post was the guy who said he feels bad for all the girls at the bar who get hit on constantly by assholes, and he likes to leave them alone so they can just enjoy themselves. In the very next sentence, he

It could have been.  Maybe not "part of the act" exactly, but a roadie of sorts who can see when she's bombing and implements "Plan B". 

I'm a totally nice guy who is really smart and just wants to make girls happy and treat them like queens but all the girls in my school say I'm too nice and they only date assholes.  Why won't these bitches date me just because I'm not an asshole?

My favorites have always been the ones that correct spelling and grammar, and then complain that AV Club needs to hire a copy editor.  Why should they when you jerks keep doing it for free?

I was at a show at in Reno once.  The main act was the third person up, and I was already 4 drinks into my 2 drink minimum.  I had to pee.  While I was getting up from the table, the guy called me out and said, "Hey, where you going, buddy?"

I've been to a fair number of stand up shows, ranging from regular night club 15 minute sets to A-list performances, and I can't really say heckling has ever been a huge issue when I've been around.  Most people in society are well behaved and polite, even if they don't like you.  The few times it has happened, it was

I also liked M.I.A. before she was cool.

Oh, is Lita back?  That's nice.  I always liked her.

That's why Twitter should be used exclusively for poorly thought out political opinions and veiled racism.  Facebook is the preferred platform for apologizing for poorly thought out political opinions and veiled racism.

I, for one, am waiting for his offical statement before forming an opinion on this whole issue.

Actually, I once served three Harlem Globetrotters at a McDonald's after they had performed at the local university.  They thought I was hilarious, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I'm black.

It's not the lack of capitalization that bothers me. He took the time to use proper sentence structure and punctuation, but couldn't be bothered to spell out "you".  That's what really kills me.