Chancellor Puddinghead

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus I might be right, but I doubt that's really a spoiler.  If they really go with the "cut to black", it's nothing more than a cheap gimmicky ending.  I would hope an Oscar contender would be better than that.

That's open for debate.  The movie ends with the strike team running into the room and suddenly cuts to black. 

You're supposed to ask one if the other one is the evil one, and if he says yes, shoot him.  Or something.  I forget.  Don't bother me.  I need to get this chicken across the river without my wolf eating him.

Agreed. Although, to be fair, I went into House On Haunted Hill with lowered expectations, so I can see why some people didn't like it. One of my rules for enjoying pop culture is to be willing to move the goal posts.

I've only ever seen the first one, and then the remake with that pretty cool shot with the camera pulling back through the gun shot wound in that lady's head.  I didn't realize there was a canon surrounding this guy.

I suppose we come from different worlds.  I am a pony princess and you are a hemorrhoid cream pun.  It was never meant to be.  Godspeed, @avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus .  Godspeed.

Aww.  That seems harsh.  I like you.

So far, 29 minutes in, and this article has failed to generate a single 'like'.

That sounds awful.  Not quite as awful as

"I would read that." lied Chancellor Puddinghead, "If he writes as well as he paints, then I am sure my heart will fill with light and song."


And I have seven days left to stop you!

"A short film in college for a small, independent studio.  It was called Secret Agent Lesbian Nuns In Space.  It got honorable mention at Cannes.  They went on to produce 15 sequels, but I wasn't a part of them, and I like to believe their quality suffered for it."

Historians and herpetologists will continue to debate whether Michaelangelo was a party dude or, in fact, just a raging alcoholic with undiagnosed manic-depressive disorder.

How does it work?

The only thing 15 million fucking idiots will do right is give us 7.5 million more idiots.


Where's the annual list of reasons the Writers' Guild can't get a date?

Durk ta gerns!

Now now, they'd never put someone to death just because he's retarded.  They'd accuse him of a crime first, let him try to defend himself, laugh, and then put him to death.