Chancellor Puddinghead

Wait…he's not just being cute?

You know, I really need to watch that show.  These all have the cadence of a joke.


"I didn't care what the nerds in the AV club thought of me in high school, and I certainly don't care now."

Oh crap, I missed the best one:

Oh, I think you can if you really put your mind to it.

Yeah, I've recently learned that.  Still, it appeared to me that they were enjoying themselves, and Bruce Campbell came back for more, so at least he enjoyed himself.

Little Shop Of Horrors?

I hope so, but not too much.  Evil Dead wasn't nearly as quotable as ED2, or Army Of Darkness, but that's a big part of what sets the two apart.

But that didn't stop it.  It came back….big time.


Alright, fine!  You got me.  I go to the theater all the time, and I only lie about so I'll look cool and hip!  I know these pants don't fit, but I don't want to be a 32, damnit!  Why are you being so mean to me?!

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.
The Fly.

No no, not Die Hard fan…die hard fan.  I mean, not a fan of Die Hard, a die hard fan of…no, fuck it, I'm seeing both now.

Sadly, only one of those things is going to happen.  And since there is a very vocal and powerful lobby in Washington protecting Mattel's interests, it's probably going to be Bratz dolls for everyone.

Haven't the people…endured enough…R. Kelly?

I'm sure he could have come up with a better Pee Diddy than that.

And then he'll rub all our noses in it.  So we'll learn.

As a die hard fan, I am going to see the heck out of this movie.  I may even break my current policy of not going to the theater just to see this.  Why?  Because I am a die hard fan.  Will it be as good?  I don't know.  Probably not.  No pop culture is ever as good as it was when you were twelve years old.  Still,

Right, some magical tree…