Chancellor Puddinghead

I will agree.  What made the original Evil Dead such fun is that the cast really appeared to be having a great time.  Same with ED2, where it was mainly Bruce Campbell, he clearly just loves what he is doing and it shows.  If this new movie doesn't try to be a carbon copy on the original, can find its own footing


Hey, that's not Henry Rollins.  I'm clearly in the wrong room, then.


Wow, the budget for Portlandia has gone way up.  That must have been some expensive CGI to make it look like Fred Armisen and Jeff Goldblum were in the same room together.

Someone asked me that just yesterday.  I refused to answer, because it might seem like I think all Glovers look the same, and are obviously related.

Gilligan has said in interviews that he knows people wanted to root for Walt, and has been doing his best to poison that well so that, by the end, no one will be on Walt's side.  Considering that, even by the end of The Sopranos, I still wanted Tony to win, I will be very interested to see what Walt will have to do to

Walt ends up running from the law so fast that he turns into the very bolt of lightning that turned him into The Flash in the first place.  That would piss me off.

I'm still going with Walt Jr. dying in a car crash. 

But unbridled rage is the source of my power, and since SOMEONE won't return my Sex And The City box set, I need an alternate source.

That's who that is.  I thought it was Future Biff Tanner.

"I know it looks weird now, but trust me, when you see it with the glasses on, it'll look like the chicken's coming right at them!"

I haven't been this upset since Ashlee Simpson got caught lip-syncing on SNL.

Quick! Someone contact The Blaze immediately!  Finally, the smoking gun Glenn Beck needs to bring that bitch down!

But 30 Rock can't end now.  It needs three more seasons so we can all sound smart and sophisticated by saying, "It totally should have ended 3 seasons ago." 

I did that with Lost, and it's how I intend to finish Fringe.

Breaking Bad 2: Reassembly

Guys, it was Hanging With Mr. Cooper

There was no amount of wording that was going to prevent me from misinterpreting that.