Chancellor Puddinghead

That's what people keep telling me, and I know it's true, because I can apply that same logic to many different shows.  Most recently, Parks and Recreation.  I just have to power through the slow parts, I suppose.

I've been on episode 5 of Mad Men since this time last year.  Ok, I'll get it done.

I'll join you.

Yeah.  It's like that feeling I had all year waiting for the new Star Wars movies to start!  It was all my nerd friends could talk about and speculate on for months.  Oh I wish I could bottle that feeling.  And then remember the feeling at the end of the first one?  Yeah.  You would do well to remember that feeling.

Oh man, wouldn't that be great?!  I hope it's Handlen.  You think it's Handlen?

OR..Or…now hear me out….read books on your laptop…..

No, people have been afraid of the dead getting up and walking around for centuries.  So we put them in big heavy boxes and bury them in the ground with giant rocks on top of them.

You mean being remembered for one part in spite of trying his hardest to establish himself as a legitimate talent until finally giving up and just attending fan conventions and spending the paycheck on loose women and cheap whiskey? Because that, my friend, is The Adam West Way.

Not with poor lightsaber control like that, he's not.

Yeah, really.  I couldn't see the video because I was at work, so I just made fun of him because that's what we do here.  I just watched the video, and I started feeling kinda bad by the end.  I mean, I got over it, but still, I'm only human.

@avclub-678004486c119599ed7d199f47da043a:disqus Everybody is right when viewing things in hindsight, but some people are right in FORESIGHT.  In this case, none of the main characters had ever heard of zombies, had no idea how to deal with a zombie outbreak, and therefore did not have the benefit of foresight.  When

Public relations.

Seriously.  I was just having a similar discussion with a friend.  Have you ever actually tried to piss yourself?  Just full on let it rain down your leg?  It's really hard.  I've been training myself to hold it in till I get to a toilet for over 30 years now, and there is a serious mental block that prevents me from

And I only did it because they would let me through security with the full bottle.  So really, if you think about it, this is all Bin Laden's fault.  Damn you, Bin Laden!

Then do what I always do:  Piss in your pants, roll around and start speaking in tongues.  Not only do you not get arrested, they take you to the hospital and you get a meal and a cup full of the good pills.  Plus, if you make it on YouTube, you might get your own religion.

"'Cause this is thriller! Thriller night
And no one is gonna save you from the beast about to strike"

Did they rub his nose in it so he would learn?

Kelsey adores the minuet, the Ballet Russe, and crepes Suzette
But Martin loves to rock and roll; a hot dog makes him lose control
What a wild duet!

Did we ever see Maris?  I can't say I've seen every episode of Frasier.

But you deserve, and you shall receive.