Chancellor Puddinghead

I think it's notable that we are also a lot more forgiving of cheap comedy than we are of cheap drama.  If Dawson had died from the cancer he caught saving that puppy from the fire in the toxic waste plant that was run by Joey's father, who was atoning for his cruel sin of revenge by polluting the creek that

I knew that, although I always remember that show being on right after the afternoon games on Sunday.  You'd see either 15 minutes or a half hour depending on how much time there was between the end of the game and the 5 o'clock news.  Actually, a pretty ingenious idea.  Better than just filling the time with either

I knew that, although I always remember that show being on right after the afternoon games on Sunday.  You'd see either 15 minutes or a half hour depending on how much time there was between the end of the game and the 5 o'clock news.  Actually, a pretty ingenious idea.  Better than just filling the time with either

No, Sweetest Day Is Totally A Thing, And I Can't Believe You Forgot It, Charlie Brown!

No, Sweetest Day Is Totally A Thing, And I Can't Believe You Forgot It, Charlie Brown!

Counterpoint: GIRLS! Prone to irrational hyperbole and drastic action!

Counterpoint: GIRLS! Prone to irrational hyperbole and drastic action!

Punky Brewster was a 15 minute show, and arguably the greatest show ever produced ever in the history of television.  

Punky Brewster was a 15 minute show, and arguably the greatest show ever produced ever in the history of television.  

This makes me hope that, one day, The Doctor will get a look of fear and annoyance on his face and mutter, "Oh shit.  Tonberries."

This makes me hope that, one day, The Doctor will get a look of fear and annoyance on his face and mutter, "Oh shit.  Tonberries."

The best part of Doctor Who is how little it cares about what its fans hate.  Oh, you don't like how we ended that story, and  you've explained why it doesn't fit in canon with a 65 page thesis on your tumblr?  Well, guess what?  The Doctor went back in time and changed it.  Still upset?  Don't worry.  We'll explain

The best part of Doctor Who is how little it cares about what its fans hate.  Oh, you don't like how we ended that story, and  you've explained why it doesn't fit in canon with a 65 page thesis on your tumblr?  Well, guess what?  The Doctor went back in time and changed it.  Still upset?  Don't worry.  We'll explain

@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus I think the main issue with Classic Who is in the way it's presented.  Since each episode was a half hour, and seperated by a length of time (a week, I guess), the show is painfully tough to watch in one sitting.  Each episode ends with a cliffhanger, starts with the

@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus I think the main issue with Classic Who is in the way it's presented.  Since each episode was a half hour, and seperated by a length of time (a week, I guess), the show is painfully tough to watch in one sitting.  Each episode ends with a cliffhanger, starts with the

Considering that "marriage" is a completely made up construct that has no actual physical effect on anything,  they probably just decided that they were married now.  Sure, Jenny might have some trouble collecting spousal benefits from the VA after Vastra dies, but I'm sure The Doctor will just go back in time and

Considering that "marriage" is a completely made up construct that has no actual physical effect on anything,  they probably just decided that they were married now.  Sure, Jenny might have some trouble collecting spousal benefits from the VA after Vastra dies, but I'm sure The Doctor will just go back in time and

My current track record seems to correspond with that assumption.

My current track record seems to correspond with that assumption.

Huh, sure enough.  I completely missed that.  I always figured comments were turned off because Dan Savage is troll bait, and the potential for comments to get wildly out of hand is really high.  We are fortunate to have a generally mature (if slightly childish at times) community here on AV Club, and I don't see this