Chancellor Puddinghead

Huh, sure enough.  I completely missed that.  I always figured comments were turned off because Dan Savage is troll bait, and the potential for comments to get wildly out of hand is really high.  We are fortunate to have a generally mature (if slightly childish at times) community here on AV Club, and I don't see this

Really?  Comments?  Ok.

Really?  Comments?  Ok.

Hey now hold up there, Girls, ima let you finish, but My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is the best show of all time.  OF ALL TIME!!!

Hey now hold up there, Girls, ima let you finish, but My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is the best show of all time.  OF ALL TIME!!!

Well, the speech was written in 1994.

Well, the speech was written in 1994.

There are some great discussions about this up above, but yes, you are totally correct.  I think the main issue with LaPierre's statement isn't that what he claims about violence in pop culture being inaccurate, because there is certainly truth in the sentiment, but rather the disingenuous position he is taking in

There are some great discussions about this up above, but yes, you are totally correct.  I think the main issue with LaPierre's statement isn't that what he claims about violence in pop culture being inaccurate, because there is certainly truth in the sentiment, but rather the disingenuous position he is taking in

I agree.  This is a community populated by people who love to consume and critique pop culture to the point where we'll watch and read all of it, good and bad, because we enjoy it as a hobby.  So, when our hobby is attacked and blamed for all the ills of society, we're going to be quick to dismiss it out of hand and

I agree.  This is a community populated by people who love to consume and critique pop culture to the point where we'll watch and read all of it, good and bad, because we enjoy it as a hobby.  So, when our hobby is attacked and blamed for all the ills of society, we're going to be quick to dismiss it out of hand and

He's not promoting gun violence exactly.  He basically saying that there is nothing we can do to prevent gun violence, and that our only defense is to be armed and diligent at all times.  No point in reducing legal gun ownership, since "criminals" don't care about laws and will just get guns from the "black market",

He's not promoting gun violence exactly.  He basically saying that there is nothing we can do to prevent gun violence, and that our only defense is to be armed and diligent at all times.  No point in reducing legal gun ownership, since "criminals" don't care about laws and will just get guns from the "black market",

Yep.  And LaPierre's actually solid point about the state of mental health in this country holds no water since Pro-NRA crowd also tend to be Anti-Health Care Reform.

Yep.  And LaPierre's actually solid point about the state of mental health in this country holds no water since Pro-NRA crowd also tend to be Anti-Health Care Reform.

As a rule, I avoid people who claim to have gifts from God.  Either they are about to snow you (I can smell something fishy…), they are trying to impress you (God has cursed me with these pretty teeth and this giant wang), or they are genuinely crazy (God sent me this neat toaster over that cooks the bagel on both

As a rule, I avoid people who claim to have gifts from God.  Either they are about to snow you (I can smell something fishy…), they are trying to impress you (God has cursed me with these pretty teeth and this giant wang), or they are genuinely crazy (God sent me this neat toaster over that cooks the bagel on both

@avclub-cc225865b743ecc91c4743259813f604:disqus Exactly.  Weird and inconsistent generally equals unenforceable.  California has pretty heavy restrictions on guns, but Nevada, Oregon and Arizona don't, so none of our laws really mean anything since they can circumvented.  To hear it from the gun crowds in the Valley,

@avclub-cc225865b743ecc91c4743259813f604:disqus Exactly.  Weird and inconsistent generally equals unenforceable.  California has pretty heavy restrictions on guns, but Nevada, Oregon and Arizona don't, so none of our laws really mean anything since they can circumvented.  To hear it from the gun crowds in the Valley,

Why stop there?  We should keep a national database of all illness and injury.  And while we're at it, let's keep a registry of trained medical personal, as well as their specialties.  Since we have these hypothetical lists, let's go ahead and throw in hospitals, clinics and emergency rooms, and figure out how much it