Chancellor Puddinghead

But it comes with a free Frogurt!

I won a Back To The Future t-shirt on the Internet yesterday! True story!

I won a Back To The Future t-shirt on the Internet yesterday! True story!



Wow, it's the end of the world, and all we want to do is get a few more cheap shots in on Pierce before we go.

Wow, it's the end of the world, and all we want to do is get a few more cheap shots in on Pierce before we go.

But I'll defend to the death your right to own it.

But I'll defend to the death your right to own it.

I do not understand the question, and I will not respond to it.

I do not understand the question, and I will not respond to it.

The trick is to have a non-hidden folder marked Porn, and fill it with all the vanilla stuff.   

The trick is to have a non-hidden folder marked Porn, and fill it with all the vanilla stuff.   

If he thinks violent movies are the filthiest form of porn imaginable, I'd like to introduce him to a little hidden folder on my C: drive I like to call "NotPorn".

If he thinks violent movies are the filthiest form of porn imaginable, I'd like to introduce him to a little hidden folder on my C: drive I like to call "NotPorn".

Take it easy, O'Neal.  Watch out for Mayans.

Take it easy, O'Neal.  Watch out for Mayans.

I can often sense the O'Neal in Onion articles.  I'm sure he's written for them, but I've always felt like it was rude to ask.