Chancellor Puddinghead

I was surprised to learn they had to do with stationary bicycles.  I worked at a hotel/spa about 5 years ago that was hosting a 24 hour "spin-a-thon" for charity.  I didn't know exactly what "spin" was, but I had always imagined it involved rotating in place with ribbons or something.  I thought that might be

Do you see any baddies around here?  Obviously, it's working.

Do you see any baddies around here?  Obviously, it's working.

"…but they're cousins!  Identical cousins all the way. One pair of matching bookends. Different as night and day…"

"…but they're cousins!  Identical cousins all the way. One pair of matching bookends. Different as night and day…"

Cause he was my buddy and my buddy likes his bottom scratches on my buddy, isn't that right, buddy I'm gonna scratch that bottom, buddy ima scratch it

Cause he was my buddy and my buddy likes his bottom scratches on my buddy, isn't that right, buddy I'm gonna scratch that bottom, buddy ima scratch it

Damnit, I knew I was forgetting one. 

Damnit, I knew I was forgetting one. 

Finally got a shot at getting that Entourage screenplay filmed, eh, Sean?

Finally got a shot at getting that Entourage screenplay filmed, eh, Sean?

That's a  bummer.  I had a house rabbit and it was so sweet, box trained and everything.  I used to scratch his bottom and he'd run around in a circle chasing my hand and going "hark hark hark".  That's the noise they make.  Hark hark hark.

That's a  bummer.  I had a house rabbit and it was so sweet, box trained and everything.  I used to scratch his bottom and he'd run around in a circle chasing my hand and going "hark hark hark".  That's the noise they make.  Hark hark hark.

Gotta go with the hamster weirdo on this one. Unless it was staged (and it might have been), handing a pet off to a random stranger is pretty irresponsible, even if it is just a hamster. And before anyone points out the obvious: No, I'm pretty much against giving away goldfish at fairs too.

Gotta go with the hamster weirdo on this one. Unless it was staged (and it might have been), handing a pet off to a random stranger is pretty irresponsible, even if it is just a hamster. And before anyone points out the obvious: No, I'm pretty much against giving away goldfish at fairs too.

Maybe.  I would need to see the list of artists that comprised their sample.  Keith Moon had free health care, and a whole bunch of Tommy money, and that didn't do him much good. 

Maybe.  I would need to see the list of artists that comprised their sample.  Keith Moon had free health care, and a whole bunch of Tommy money, and that didn't do him much good. 

Sting doesn't care who keeps shoveling money into the big pile in his living room, just as long as he can sleep peacefully on it every night.

Sting doesn't care who keeps shoveling money into the big pile in his living room, just as long as he can sleep peacefully on it every night.

Let me know when they get back from being dead.  I'll be over here