Chancellor Puddinghead

Let me know when they get back from being dead.  I'll be over here

She would, but she has to work that double shift at the Wal-Mart next week.

She would, but she has to work that double shift at the Wal-Mart next week.

I would have to disagree with that.   Sting's solo output was pretty consistent, at least until recently.  Ten Summoner's Tales was crazy popular when it came out, and each solo record starting with The Dream Of The Blue Turtles went platinum.  He's not exactly relevant anymore, sure, but that happens to plenty of

I would have to disagree with that.   Sting's solo output was pretty consistent, at least until recently.  Ten Summoner's Tales was crazy popular when it came out, and each solo record starting with The Dream Of The Blue Turtles went platinum.  He's not exactly relevant anymore, sure, but that happens to plenty of

No thanks.  I just ate.

No thanks.  I just ate.

LIke the Ghost Of Keith Moon would ever keep an appointment like that.  The Ghost Of Keith Moon will get to you when he gets to you.  Expect him.

LIke the Ghost Of Keith Moon would ever keep an appointment like that.  The Ghost Of Keith Moon will get to you when he gets to you.  Expect him.

They only prove that becoming a vegetarian turns you into a boring, insufferable twat.

They only prove that becoming a vegetarian turns you into a boring, insufferable twat.

This is not the time for politics.  American musicians have died.  Have some respect!

This is not the time for politics.  American musicians have died.  Have some respect!

British musicians totally know how to party!  In fact, they are so very good at partying, that they manage to not die from it.  However, and this is where American musicians have excelled, dying is fucking metal.

British musicians totally know how to party!  In fact, they are so very good at partying, that they manage to not die from it.  However, and this is where American musicians have excelled, dying is fucking metal.

I never thought of it like that before.  Perhaps Obama really is a Muslim sleeper agent.

I never thought of it like that before.  Perhaps Obama really is a Muslim sleeper agent.

I wouldn't know.  This is the only website I can see.  This computer isn't even plugged into the wall.  I bought it from an old antique dealer with one eye.  Said it would help me find the truth.  I tried to return it the next day, but the store had vanished…..

I wouldn't know.  This is the only website I can see.  This computer isn't even plugged into the wall.  I bought it from an old antique dealer with one eye.  Said it would help me find the truth.  I tried to return it the next day, but the store had vanished…..

To this day, I look through toy catalogs and yell "Bring" every time I see something I like.  So far, nothing.