Chancellor Puddinghead

To this day, I look through toy catalogs and yell "Bring" every time I see something I like.  So far, nothing.

Oh hey, I put that ad in the paper to find someone with whom I could cheat on my wife, but it turns out I was answering my wife's ad which was placed with the same intentions.  This is not at all awkward or disappointing. Haha HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh hey, I put that ad in the paper to find someone with whom I could cheat on my wife, but it turns out I was answering my wife's ad which was placed with the same intentions.  This is not at all awkward or disappointing. Haha HAHAHAHAHAHA!

OMG me 2!!! U sound hawt lol : )

OMG me 2!!! U sound hawt lol : )

Dear God, does it matter?  It ain't gonna fit either way.

Dear God, does it matter?  It ain't gonna fit either way.

Oh you know…I have pink hair and defy the laws of physics….I pretty much look like my avatar.

Oh you know…I have pink hair and defy the laws of physics….I pretty much look like my avatar.

So you were lead to believe this movie was really awesome, but when you finally saw it, it turned out to be nothing like it was described?  Huh….

So you were lead to believe this movie was really awesome, but when you finally saw it, it turned out to be nothing like it was described?  Huh….

Actually, yes.  I am Russian girl and saw your profile and I want make sex to get to know you.

Actually, yes.  I am Russian girl and saw your profile and I want make sex to get to know you.

Since the existence of this show and its premise pretty much spoil the entire movie, no, not really.

Since the existence of this show and its premise pretty much spoil the entire movie, no, not really.

I actually hate Pina Coladas, love health food, do yoga twice a week, and I literally have half a brain.  Also, I hate getting caught in the rain, but seriously, who does that?

I actually hate Pina Coladas, love health food, do yoga twice a week, and I literally have half a brain.  Also, I hate getting caught in the rain, but seriously, who does that?

But it comes with a free Frogurt!

But it comes with a free Frogurt!

That's the one where Emily ends up cornered in an alleyway about to be mauled to death by 20 angry Zooeys when all of a sudden Zooey wakes up screaming and Emily is there to reassure her it was all a dream.  And then Emily goes out to the hallway and the rest of the family is standing there and THEY ALL LOOK LIKE