Chancellor Puddinghead

That's the one where Emily ends up cornered in an alleyway about to be mauled to death by 20 angry Zooeys when all of a sudden Zooey wakes up screaming and Emily is there to reassure her it was all a dream.  And then Emily goes out to the hallway and the rest of the family is standing there and THEY ALL LOOK LIKE

Phipps?  You mean ol Keith Phipps?  Why, he hasn't worked here for 20 years…..

Phipps?  You mean ol Keith Phipps?  Why, he hasn't worked here for 20 years…..

It's A Good Life To Die Hard

It's A Good Life To Die Hard

I'll put Button, Button up along side the greatest of the original Twilight Zones anyday. 

I'll put Button, Button up along side the greatest of the original Twilight Zones anyday. 

For your consideration: One Mr. Generic Poster, 47.  He spends most of his days wasting time correcting grammar on a second rate pop culture while toiling away his life in a 5x5 cubical at a menial dead end job.  But this is no ordinary second rate pop culture website, and this is no ordinary dead end. For at the end

For your consideration: One Mr. Generic Poster, 47.  He spends most of his days wasting time correcting grammar on a second rate pop culture while toiling away his life in a 5x5 cubical at a menial dead end job.  But this is no ordinary second rate pop culture website, and this is no ordinary dead end. For at the end

@avclub-e0f48a1058f0f0204b22d4a2fd6f18ae:disqus In this scene, he's not, and that's what makes it even more heartbreaking.  The feelings we get, the last minute panics, the perpetual suspicion, the nervous fast cuts of the final scene of a show we've dedicated the last however long all coming down to this last 180

@avclub-e0f48a1058f0f0204b22d4a2fd6f18ae:disqus In this scene, he's not, and that's what makes it even more heartbreaking.  The feelings we get, the last minute panics, the perpetual suspicion, the nervous fast cuts of the final scene of a show we've dedicated the last however long all coming down to this last 180

You know what the best part of this comment is?  Just like David Chase, @NathanielTheGreat:disqus came up with this at least 4 seasons ago, and has just been sitting on it.

You know what the best part of this comment is?  Just like David Chase, @NathanielTheGreat:disqus came up with this at least 4 seasons ago, and has just been sitting on it.

@Scrawler2:disqus Yep, it's all true.  I did leave off the very end of the story where she realized why it was such a silly statement right after my little quip and then left me.  You know, for comic effect.

@Scrawler2:disqus Yep, it's all true.  I did leave off the very end of the story where she realized why it was such a silly statement right after my little quip and then left me.  You know, for comic effect.

Don't worry, buddy.  He wasn't Janice. Now go and play and I'll call you in for supper.

Don't worry, buddy.  He wasn't Janice. Now go and play and I'll call you in for supper.

Exactly.  Not to spoil anything for those who have not read The Dark Tower, but King's epilogue before the final chapter jives prety nicely with why it doesn't actually matter if Tony is dead or not.  Basically, King said that it doesn't matter what is at the top of Tower, and you will have gotten everything you were

Exactly.  Not to spoil anything for those who have not read The Dark Tower, but King's epilogue before the final chapter jives prety nicely with why it doesn't actually matter if Tony is dead or not.  Basically, King said that it doesn't matter what is at the top of Tower, and you will have gotten everything you were

Oh, so this is why I got that Community notification.