Chancellor Puddinghead

Keith: You were an attractive man, and I'm sure you smelled delightful.  We'll miss you, and best of luck in all your future pursuits.

I hummed a wicked mashup of The William Tell Overture and the Theme from Bonanza in the shower this morning to rave reviews!  6:15am was such a simpler time.

I hummed a wicked mashup of The William Tell Overture and the Theme from Bonanza in the shower this morning to rave reviews!  6:15am was such a simpler time.

Jack Black is always available as a replacement.  Jack Black is a working man. Jack Black ain't no pussy.

Jack Black is always available as a replacement.  Jack Black is a working man. Jack Black ain't no pussy.

OMG yes this! 

OMG yes this! 

Wasn't it Oh, Louie! or something like that?

Wasn't it Oh, Louie! or something like that?

Both of you!  I swear to God I will turn this car around and slap the piss out of you…

Both of you!  I swear to God I will turn this car around and slap the piss out of you…

I know a Scooter.  He also deserves a cock punch, but not because his name is Scooter.

I know a Scooter.  He also deserves a cock punch, but not because his name is Scooter.

They do too.  It just comes in a bunch of weird colors.

They do too.  It just comes in a bunch of weird colors.

That you've called her K-Stew tells me you aren't ready.

That you've called her K-Stew tells me you aren't ready.

Seriously.  We're up to, what now, 8 mass shootings this year?  Of course, that's all we ever see.  The media never talks about all the mass shootings prevented by good, lawful gun owners.

Seriously.  We're up to, what now, 8 mass shootings this year?  Of course, that's all we ever see.  The media never talks about all the mass shootings prevented by good, lawful gun owners.

Touch Of Evil Dead