Chancellor Puddinghead

It's Italian for "Wonder Bread", smart guy.

Pretty much.  And Romney was always going to be the nominee.  There was no universe where that wasn't going to happen.  Well, except that one universe where Ming the Merciless is real.  That place is pretty fucked up.  Universal health care, though.

Pretty much.  And Romney was always going to be the nominee.  There was no universe where that wasn't going to happen.  Well, except that one universe where Ming the Merciless is real.  That place is pretty fucked up.  Universal health care, though.

If they had taken the exact same sandwich and put it between two pieces of ciabatta, it would have hearlded a new golden age of fast food, and we'd be shoveling them into our fat, stupid faces and we all know it!

If they had taken the exact same sandwich and put it between two pieces of ciabatta, it would have hearlded a new golden age of fast food, and we'd be shoveling them into our fat, stupid faces and we all know it!

I rolled on the floor laughing my ass off what the fuck barbeque

I rolled on the floor laughing my ass off what the fuck barbeque

I like pie

I like pie

Same here, and it's killing my self-esteem.  How am I supposed to get by without my morning validation? 

Same here, and it's killing my self-esteem.  How am I supposed to get by without my morning validation? 

Where you gonna go, huh?  Crackle?  Yeah, good luck with that, Sheeple.

Where you gonna go, huh?  Crackle?  Yeah, good luck with that, Sheeple.

I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

Take your commie bunk somewhere else, Comrade.  You think Jesus waited around for grapes to ferment?  If instant gratification is good enough for Jesus, then it's good enough for me!

Take your commie bunk somewhere else, Comrade.  You think Jesus waited around for grapes to ferment?  If instant gratification is good enough for Jesus, then it's good enough for me!

Get a treatment on my desk by Friday.  Somebody call Traci Lords!  No, I don't care if SyFy has her under contract.  I'm Chuck Lorre, God Damnit, and I know Time Vaginas when I see them!  I want to see Abraham Lincoln crawl out of Traci Lords' vagina in the pilot episode, or I swear to shit that I will beat that

Get a treatment on my desk by Friday.  Somebody call Traci Lords!  No, I don't care if SyFy has her under contract.  I'm Chuck Lorre, God Damnit, and I know Time Vaginas when I see them!  I want to see Abraham Lincoln crawl out of Traci Lords' vagina in the pilot episode, or I swear to shit that I will beat that

Bidding against idiots is easy.  Just look super impressed with the storage unit, play up like you just gotta have it, get the noobs drooling, bid them up, and then back off and stick them with 6 Tupperware bins full of my dirty laundry that I decided was worth just defaulting on the storage unit rather than paying