Chancellor Puddinghead

Bidding against idiots is easy.  Just look super impressed with the storage unit, play up like you just gotta have it, get the noobs drooling, bid them up, and then back off and stick them with 6 Tupperware bins full of my dirty laundry that I decided was worth just defaulting on the storage unit rather than paying

If there's anyone who knows how to write for single mothers, please contact Chuck Lorre.

If there's anyone who knows how to write for single mothers, please contact Chuck Lorre.

>A kick in the teeth > That Dancing Baby > Whitney

>A kick in the teeth > That Dancing Baby > Whitney

The one that finally killed it for me was Moonshiners.  So, there is this camera crew that follows the Moonshiner Gang into the woods to the secret still what makes the titular Moonshine.  Then there is another camera crew that follows the cop around who is charged with finding and catching the Moonshiner Gang who

The one that finally killed it for me was Moonshiners.  So, there is this camera crew that follows the Moonshiner Gang into the woods to the secret still what makes the titular Moonshine.  Then there is another camera crew that follows the cop around who is charged with finding and catching the Moonshiner Gang who

Rermember Yes, Dear…?  Yeah, me neither, but there I was, home sick from work and watching 9 episodes in a row.

Rermember Yes, Dear…?  Yeah, me neither, but there I was, home sick from work and watching 9 episodes in a row.

Which one is going to get me laid? 

Which one is going to get me laid? 

And then I'll wake up tomorrow, and you'll be reporting that Mom has been on for 4 seasons.  For some reason, that always happens with CBS.

And then I'll wake up tomorrow, and you'll be reporting that Mom has been on for 4 seasons.  For some reason, that always happens with CBS.

Everybody knows they're shitty drivers and they don't love their children as much as Californians.

Everybody knows they're shitty drivers and they don't love their children as much as Californians.

I remember one where Tits McTanktop and Backward Sunglasses Guy argued over whether they should have spent $1000 on a locker that was just filled with junk, until they (no shit) literally found a safe full of gold coins buried all the way at the bottom. 

I remember one where Tits McTanktop and Backward Sunglasses Guy argued over whether they should have spent $1000 on a locker that was just filled with junk, until they (no shit) literally found a safe full of gold coins buried all the way at the bottom. 

And that penis implant grew up to be…..Dave Hester.

And that penis implant grew up to be…..Dave Hester.

No.  Sorry.  Sheesh.