Chancellor Puddinghead

Your username made me squirt milk from my nose.

Got me a sitcom, I want you to know….

Got me a sitcom, I want you to know….

Is that what the kids are calling them these days?  In my day, we just called it the porch.

Is that what the kids are calling them these days?  In my day, we just called it the porch.

Is it OK to speculate on how this show might smell?  I'm still working out the bounderies on the new commenting rules.

Is it OK to speculate on how this show might smell?  I'm still working out the bounderies on the new commenting rules.

The costumes are the major stumbling block for most TV adaptations, I think.  Smallville, for example, had a No Capes policy.  For all its faults, that was probably the number one thing CW did right when bringing Superboy into the mainstream.  Also, not calling him Superboy helped.

The costumes are the major stumbling block for most TV adaptations, I think.  Smallville, for example, had a No Capes policy.  For all its faults, that was probably the number one thing CW did right when bringing Superboy into the mainstream.  Also, not calling him Superboy helped.

I wouldn't say I loathe them, but yeah, they aren't my favorite.  They are fine for SNL. 

I wouldn't say I loathe them, but yeah, they aren't my favorite.  They are fine for SNL. 

I think the implication was that he went home with her, and not in an "oh well, I'm drunk anyway" way.

I think the implication was that he went home with her, and not in an "oh well, I'm drunk anyway" way.

Then my work here is done, I guess.

Then my work here is done, I guess.

I saw the first Paranormal Activity.  I know what I liked about it.  Then I saw the second Paranormal Activity.  The producers must have also known what I liked about the first one, because they added two more pairs just like them.  I have not seen the third or fourth one.  Do they keep with the pattern?

I saw the first Paranormal Activity.  I know what I liked about it.  Then I saw the second Paranormal Activity.  The producers must have also known what I liked about the first one, because they added two more pairs just like them.  I have not seen the third or fourth one.  Do they keep with the pattern?

I look forward to 16 more weeks of missing the first 5 minutes before deciding that nothing else is on.

I look forward to 16 more weeks of missing the first 5 minutes before deciding that nothing else is on.

In 25 years, someone will write a thesis on the hidden political themes of his favorite childhood movie Animal Farm and a bunch of his idiot friends will say, "OMG, ur rite!  How did i miss that?"