Chancellor Puddinghead

In 25 years, someone will write a thesis on the hidden political themes of his favorite childhood movie Animal Farm and a bunch of his idiot friends will say, "OMG, ur rite!  How did i miss that?"

No, you're right.  He just said he was "not going to handle the politics in a heavy-handed fashion."  In Serkis' defense, saying Orwell was mearly "heavy-handed" with the politics is putting it mildly.  Only Rod "It Was Literally The Devil" Serling could hold a candle to Orwell in the ham fisted allegory department.

No, you're right.  He just said he was "not going to handle the politics in a heavy-handed fashion."  In Serkis' defense, saying Orwell was mearly "heavy-handed" with the politics is putting it mildly.  Only Rod "It Was Literally The Devil" Serling could hold a candle to Orwell in the ham fisted allegory department.

My favorite part of Watership Down was the bunnies.

My favorite part of Watership Down was the bunnies.

Does adorkable mean tasty?  Because, yes.

Does adorkable mean tasty?  Because, yes.

I meant awkward for SNL, mostly.  In truth, I'm sure auditioning for SNL is a standard stepping stone for comedians/actors. 

I meant awkward for SNL, mostly.  In truth, I'm sure auditioning for SNL is a standard stepping stone for comedians/actors. 

Sure, and then this whole timeline gets 20% darker.  I'm on to you, @avclub-d5af138a00b98bcaed163b7d78e28c0e:disqus.  #nineseasonsandapiercespinoff

Sure, and then this whole timeline gets 20% darker.  I'm on to you, @avclub-d5af138a00b98bcaed163b7d78e28c0e:disqus.  #nineseasonsandapiercespinoff

Every successful comedian who has ever hosted SNL has a story about how they were turned down after auditioning for SNL.  I like to believe it's always awkward.

Every successful comedian who has ever hosted SNL has a story about how they were turned down after auditioning for SNL.  I like to believe it's always awkward.

Where can I download your podcast?  You know what? Never mind, I can picture the whole thing in my head.

Where can I download your podcast?  You know what? Never mind, I can picture the whole thing in my head.

In mostly unrelated news, I finally figured out what Dancing With Myself was about, and only about 30 years late.

In mostly unrelated news, I finally figured out what Dancing With Myself was about, and only about 30 years late.

I'll test that by picturing me banging your mom.

I'll test that by picturing me banging your mom.

I'm hoping he goes for the coveted "Banned For Life" award.