Chancellor Puddinghead

Now, I might be misremembering this, but I feel like I should note that
Douglas doesn't exactly "go on a killing spree", in so much as a path of
destruction follows him around.  He killed the Nazi, but only after the
Nazi was ready to kill him.  The gang with the bag of guns died in a
wreck trying to shoot him in a

I think a more likely explanation is this guy is taking a fall for Nelly, Inc. It seems unlikely that everyone was oblivious to what this guy was holding.

I think a more likely explanation is this guy is taking a fall for Nelly, Inc. It seems unlikely that everyone was oblivious to what this guy was holding.

Really?  Cause I say our generation's Shirley Temple was Shirley Temple.  Our generation only needs a replacement when we no longer have the original available.  Thanks to the magic of film, I can get all the Shirley Temple I need.  And that isn't much, further negating the need to establish a modern upgrade. 

Really?  Cause I say our generation's Shirley Temple was Shirley Temple.  Our generation only needs a replacement when we no longer have the original available.  Thanks to the magic of film, I can get all the Shirley Temple I need.  And that isn't much, further negating the need to establish a modern upgrade. 

Here's what you do:  Take the $10 Million pilot, and chop it up into little chunks, then make another series about the backstage drama of a production company trying to produce a television drama based around an accomplished director's favorite sitcom when he was a kid.  The premise could be based upon the idea that

Here's what you do:  Take the $10 Million pilot, and chop it up into little chunks, then make another series about the backstage drama of a production company trying to produce a television drama based around an accomplished director's favorite sitcom when he was a kid.  The premise could be based upon the idea that

It's all speculation at this point.  All we really know about Miles and the Militia is that he was second in command, but the whole thing was probably his idea initially.  Why Monroe got his name on it is a question we still need answered.  Why Miles summoned Rachel without Ben is another, but the fact that Miles

It's all speculation at this point.  All we really know about Miles and the Militia is that he was second in command, but the whole thing was probably his idea initially.  Why Monroe got his name on it is a question we still need answered.  Why Miles summoned Rachel without Ben is another, but the fact that Miles

Is "Kurt Sutter" secret code for "Everybody"?  Because, yes.  Yes, he did.

Is "Kurt Sutter" secret code for "Everybody"?  Because, yes.  Yes, he did.

Just do the Reduced Shakespere Company's bit, let Depp play all the characters, and maybe we can get this over with in about 3 hours.  I don't think I can do a whole season.

Just do the Reduced Shakespere Company's bit, let Depp play all the characters, and maybe we can get this over with in about 3 hours.  I don't think I can do a whole season.



It's not so much that is was a bad idea, but rather that it was an original idea.  Now, take the same script, repackage it as a live action Gargoyles movie, and you've got yourself a blockbuster. 

It's not so much that is was a bad idea, but rather that it was an original idea.  Now, take the same script, repackage it as a live action Gargoyles movie, and you've got yourself a blockbuster. 

I actually hate this show.  Like, a lot. 

I actually hate this show.  Like, a lot. 

Will the raptor one be a door opening specialist?  Because I hear raptor are very good at opening doors.