Chancellor Puddinghead

Right?  I mean, seriously, just pull over and get directions.  Sheesh.

I loved it. I've only read the uncut version, so I'm not sure if this statement is true for the old one, but I will admit King does spend an awfully long time on the post-apocolyptic logistics of wrapping copper wire. 

I loved it. I've only read the uncut version, so I'm not sure if this statement is true for the old one, but I will admit King does spend an awfully long time on the post-apocolyptic logistics of wrapping copper wire. 

All the Friday the 13th franchise taught me is: When your estranged uncle leaves you his antique shop, no matter how severely it inconveniences your upcoming wedding, DO NOT have a big sale to get rid of the inventory.  You'll just end up chasing them all over the country with that weird cousin you once made out with

All the Friday the 13th franchise taught me is: When your estranged uncle leaves you his antique shop, no matter how severely it inconveniences your upcoming wedding, DO NOT have a big sale to get rid of the inventory.  You'll just end up chasing them all over the country with that weird cousin you once made out with

That's possible.  I hadn't thought of it that way.  I think my statement is more true for the interviews in the beginning of the show, such as Better Know A District and the like, rather than the interviews where people are on to plug a book.  Just like the Daily Show, it just feels like these guys are either

That's possible.  I hadn't thought of it that way.  I think my statement is more true for the interviews in the beginning of the show, such as Better Know A District and the like, rather than the interviews where people are on to plug a book.  Just like the Daily Show, it just feels like these guys are either

I'll accidentally kick over his gravestone in remembrance.

I'll accidentally kick over his gravestone in remembrance.

I'm sure this revelation will have hilarious consequences.

I'm sure this revelation will have hilarious consequences.

Do you think every person who appears on a Colbert interview gets told by the producer, "No, don't worry about that.  Mr. Colbert has told us that this is the interview he wants to take seriously, and he is genuinely interested in hearing your views."

Do you think every person who appears on a Colbert interview gets told by the producer, "No, don't worry about that.  Mr. Colbert has told us that this is the interview he wants to take seriously, and he is genuinely interested in hearing your views."

I only have nice things to say about Angela Lansbury, and I would welcome her to do an interview with the AV Club, so that I may read more about her prolific body of work.  Perhaps we dish about some behind the scenes drama concerning Tom Bosley.  I hear he was a real cut up off camera.

I only have nice things to say about Angela Lansbury, and I would welcome her to do an interview with the AV Club, so that I may read more about her prolific body of work.  Perhaps we dish about some behind the scenes drama concerning Tom Bosley.  I hear he was a real cut up off camera.

Uma Thurman is a national treasure, a stunning beauty, and a terrific actress deserving of any and all accolades she has and will likely receive.  Since the majority of her tremendous body of work is limited to movies and television, the subject of whether or not she smells nice is irrelevant, although I'm certain she

Uma Thurman is a national treasure, a stunning beauty, and a terrific actress deserving of any and all accolades she has and will likely receive.  Since the majority of her tremendous body of work is limited to movies and television, the subject of whether or not she smells nice is irrelevant, although I'm certain she

I hadn't noticed it, but yeah, we are a pretty tolerant bunch around here.  That's probably why we get along so well, since there is very little chance of our threads degenerating into various degrees of hate and vitriol.  We welcome everybody to share in our love of wasting time at work equally.

I hadn't noticed it, but yeah, we are a pretty tolerant bunch around here.  That's probably why we get along so well, since there is very little chance of our threads degenerating into various degrees of hate and vitriol.  We welcome everybody to share in our love of wasting time at work equally.

I flag spam basically.  If it clearly isn't supposed to be here, it gets a flag.  I don't think I've ever flagged anyone for being a troll or a racist or anything like that.  I think part of the allure of this site's boards is that we don't really do a lot flaming, and we don't generally respond to flame-baiting.