Chancellor Puddinghead

I flag spam basically.  If it clearly isn't supposed to be here, it gets a flag.  I don't think I've ever flagged anyone for being a troll or a racist or anything like that.  I think part of the allure of this site's boards is that we don't really do a lot flaming, and we don't generally respond to flame-baiting. 

I read The Sims Seinfeld, and I thought, "They have a Seinfeld expansion? "

I read The Sims Seinfeld, and I thought, "They have a Seinfeld expansion? "

Will there be an episode where Rachel doesn't want to go into work, so she pays Angela to wear her glasses and go in for her?

Will there be an episode where Rachel doesn't want to go into work, so she pays Angela to wear her glasses and go in for her?

Does "104-week guarantee" mean 104 episodes?  Cause holy moly that's a lot of lifeguarding Dolph Lundgren.

Does "104-week guarantee" mean 104 episodes?  Cause holy moly that's a lot of lifeguarding Dolph Lundgren.

My local paper switched to Facebook for commenting on articles, and it cut down on the racism quite a bit, although the random calls for public humiliation and general hyperbole over seemingly minor infractions didn't seem to go away.

My local paper switched to Facebook for commenting on articles, and it cut down on the racism quite a bit, although the random calls for public humiliation and general hyperbole over seemingly minor infractions didn't seem to go away.

I got an O'Neal already, but the fastest way to score one for yourself is to complain about notifications within the first 3 posts.  Let's see, I got a Handlin, two Robinsons, a Sava, and a rare Pierce from 2013.  

I got an O'Neal already, but the fastest way to score one for yourself is to complain about notifications within the first 3 posts.  Let's see, I got a Handlin, two Robinsons, a Sava, and a rare Pierce from 2013.  

*psst*  We told him they were just visiting Tony Soprano on that farm, and they'll all come back real soon. 

*psst*  We told him they were just visiting Tony Soprano on that farm, and they'll all come back real soon. 

He seems to go back and forth on that.  First episode, he buys every kid on the bus a limo.  Later, he can only afford a house that costs $7000.  But continuity isn't his thing, so I can't really complain.

He seems to go back and forth on that.  First episode, he buys every kid on the bus a limo.  Later, he can only afford a house that costs $7000.  But continuity isn't his thing, so I can't really complain.

I deancock this post.

I deancock this post.

I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me, so I'm flagging you just to be safe.  If anyone asks, I'll say you were being racist.

I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me, so I'm flagging you just to be safe.  If anyone asks, I'll say you were being racist.

I kid.  I'm not making fun of C.K.  Actually, I idolize him.  I just thought this sounded like something he'd say.